We know that AirBnb hosts in legal states are allowed to make their listings cannabis-friendly. But why would they?
Many hosts, regardless of whether they consume cannabis themselves, are happy to open their homes to visitors who do. Some feel that cannabis consumption is a non-issue, like Mick in Denver, whose beautiful 1880s carriage house bars tobacco but allows cannabis. “I am not a smoker and needed to be convinced that the smell does not linger or stain like cigarette smoke,” he says. “People leave pipes and such behind and I let people know it’s OK.”
Others say making their listings 420-friendly is a net benefit. “I decided to make my vacation rental 420 friendly because I felt it would attract a better class of guests,” says Julia, who operates the 420-friendly Happy Hippie House in Grand Junction, CO. “So far it has worked out that way. No drunks tearing things up, just mellow, laid-back stoners.”
Still others feel passionate about filling a gaping hole left by legislation. “I could see that something was missing in Washington because of how the laws were set up, not allowing for social places for people to enjoy cannabis in a healthy, interactive environment,” says Sebastian, who owns the Winston House in Seattle. “I had been thinking about launching a room on Airbnb for a bit and decided this was the perfect opportunity to fill the need for a social environment … where people could consume safely.” He adds, “I haven’t had any issues in regard to listing as cannabis friendly … it’s quite possible there are people that don’t book for the fact [that] I’m cannabis friendly, but I consider that a benefit honestly.”
Once you decide to list as 420-friendly, there are numerous easy ways to make guests feel comfortable from check-in to check-out. Below, veteran hosts share some of their best tips for hosting cannabis consumers.
1. Decide how overt you want to be.

If you’re a consumer yourself and only want to host like-minded folks, include that stipulation in your listing’s title or toward the top of the description. If you’re okay with it but don’t want non-consumers to be turned off, don’t make it sound like that’s the focus of your listing. “We are 420 friendly without being so obvious,” says Mick, whose House Rules simply state, “No cigarette smoking inside. Other types of smoking permitted.”
2. Make your house rules clear.

Just because you’re welcoming smokers to your pad doesn’t mean you need to allow smoking inside — but unless you make that totally clear, you might get visitors breaking the rules on accident. Are you fine with vaping but not with smoking? Make that distinction clear, too. Some hosts say they go over their rules three times: in their listing’s House Rules section, in their confirmation email, and when guests arrive. As long as there’s no room for misunderstanding, both parties will leave happy.
3. Welcome visitors with a goodie basket.

You can choose whether to include cannabis or simply some awesome accompaniments to it. “I have a 420 box in each unit which contains a little weed, a pipe, and papers,” says Julia in Grand Junction. “We make sure it is stocked [for each guest].” If you host a mix of cannabis consumers and non-consumers, opt for local snacks such as chips, chocolates, or granola bars — sharing unique products your guests can’t get anywhere else all but ensures a five-star review.
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Showing you dispensaries near4. Offer smoking implements.

It’s easy for visitors to stop by a dispensary to pick up some consumables, but unless you offer a pipe, bong, vape pen, or dab rig, they’ll be limited to pre-rolls and edibles. “A guest left a [dab rig] and torch and we have made that available to guests,” says Julie, who operates a brand-new loft apartment in the Sunnyside neighborhood of Denver. Be clear what you have on hand once you’ve confirmed the reservation, particularly with out-of-state visitors, to spare them the expense of a cheap pipe or vape pen they’ll have to leave behind.
One caveat: You know that hand-blown dab rig that cost you several hundred dollars? That’s probably not the best piece to share. Not only will guests be nervous about breaking it, you’ll be nervous about it being broken. Something that can be covered by the security deposit is a better bet.
5. Provide info on local cannabis laws.
Public consumption, medical reciprocity, quantities that are legal to possess — these things vary from state to state, so ensure your guests stay compliant with a helpful guide or heads-up ahead of time. Some states like Oregon even have handy state-specific pages for this info that you can easily link to in your confirmation email.
6. Write out handy instructions.

Is your shower one of those ones that require a complex bit of rocket science to get the hot water running? Does your TV set need to be coaxed to life using three different remotes? These sorts of things can be extra-tricky to navigate after partaking (and also while sober), so post a note nearby detailing how to do it. Your visitors will have a much more relaxing stay if you do.
7. Provide local food and activity suggestions.

Many hosts put together a full binder of local recommendations, mapping out fast-casual eats, sit-down restaurants, funky boutiques, art museums, nearby parks, and other neighborhood gems. Julie in Grand Junction even went so far as to reach out to her local tour company and convince them to offer a Wine & Weed Tour for her visitors.
Providing take-out menus is particularly easy and appreciated: Whether it’s classic Chinese, pizza, or a local specialty, include places that are cheap and willing to deliver for when your guests arrive hungry and tired from their travels.
8. Recommend your favorite local dispensary and products.

Note your favorite shop that’s walkable from home, including any instructions that out-of-towners might not be familiar with (cash only, etc.). If you have a recommendation of a favorite budtender who can help them out, so much the better. Visitors can always use Leafly to find nearby dispensaries and products, but specific recommendations make it even easier to shop like a local — plus, an establishment you love benefits from it. If you don’t consume personally, ask a friend or neighbor who does for their top picks.
9. Offer movies, blankets, and games.

Chances are greater than zero that your guests may intend to cozy up for an evening rather than hit up the clubs and cocktail bars. The best items to offer are those that make for a comfortable stay yet would be cumbersome for a guest to bring along in their suitcase: think soft blankets, hardcover books, a selection of DVDs, or board games.
10. Make your space visually and physically appealing.

No, this doesn’t mean a Rastafarian flag motif or cannabis leaves on the curtains — think art on the walls, colorful kitchenware, pleasantly fragrant toiletries, low-maintenance plants, and plenty of warm lighting. In Julie’s Denver loft, an upbeat “Live, Laugh, Love” motif paired with a big area rug, array of lamps, comfy couch, and spring-green walls welcome visitors and make for a positive experience.
At a higher price point, the Winston House in Seattle offers hotel-like luxury. “I provide all the essentials — vape, bongs, pipes, rolling papers as well as an intellectually and visually stimulating environment,” says Sebastian. “My focus is on the consciousness-promoting effects of cannabis so I like to provide a rich environment that sparks a lot of thought. Also having a salt water hot tub, dual head walk-in shower, and other self-care luxuries [allows guests to] truly experience themselves more fully.”