
The Shake: Reefer Badness in NYC and a Republican in South Carolina Touts Medical Cannabis

Published on May 23, 2016 · Last updated July 28, 2020

Cannabis is responsible for violence in New York City, says NY Police Commissioner. New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton spoke during a radio show this weekend, expressing his belief that recreational legalization in other states has caused a majority of the violence seen in the city. “Interestingly enough, here in New York City most of the violence we see–violence around drug trafficking–is involving marijuana and I have to scratch my head as we are seeing many states wanting to legalize marijuana or a liberalization of policies,” said Bratton on The Cats Roundtable Sunday radio show on AM 970 New York. “Which is ironic considering the explosion in the use of heroin.” Ironic, indeed.

NYPD’s ‘200 Pounds of Marijuana’ Tweet Inspires Critical Backlash

Millennials want to grow their own cannabis. About 18 percent of millennial adults and 40 percent of self-identified gardeners responded to a Harris Poll saying that if it were legal in their state, they would want to grow their own cannabis.

Has the DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz finally turned the corner for medical marijuana? A new article examines the recent vote by the notoriously anti-cannabis Democratic leader in favor of increasing access to medical cannabis for veterans. Some advocates speculate that Wasserman Schultz is feeling pressure from the progressive wing of her party to evolve on the issue.

Melissa Etheridge will be headlining the High Times Cannabis Cup. In Vienna Township, Michigan on June 11 and 12, the singer and entrepreneur—who owns a line of cannabis-infused wines—will perform at the event. Attendees must be 18 or older and have a medical-marijuana recommendation.

Is Cannabis-Infused Alcohol Worth Considering?

Tugging at the heartstrings with medical cannabis patients. A South Carolina state senator—a straitlaced Republican—is introducing sad stories of citizens who would benefit from medical marijuana with the hopes that it will encourage his fellow lawmakers to pass the S.C. Medical Marijuana Program Act, which was already shot down once this year.

Nebraska delays petition for medical marijuana (again). State Sen. Tommy Garrett has repeatedly sponsored bills to legalize medical marijuana, but the time and expense of nearly $1 million for advertising and signature gathering has caused an inevitable delay, forcing advocates to look to 2018 for a renewed petition drive.

Supreme Court Rejects States' Challenge to Colorado Cannabis Law

Canadian pharmacists want to dispense medical cannabis. A new op-ed from the director of professional affairs for the Canadian Pharmacists Association argues that cannabis ought to be dispensed by medical professionals through licensed pharmacies in order to avoid drug interactions and to provide counsel and oversight to patients.

High Timestakes on the most notorious (untrue) cannabis rumors. An impressive compendium of a number of false, misleading, or almost-true myths are examined and debunked, thanks to the hard work and research from the good people at Snopes.

Should animals be treated with cannabis? Well-intentioned owners swap stories on the emotional trials and tribulations while veterinarians weigh in on the benefits and risks of treating a beloved pet with cannabis safely.

Cannabis and Pets: Treating Seizures with CBD

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Lisa Rough
Lisa Rough
Lisa is a former associate editor at Leafly, where she specialized in legislative cannabis policy and industry topics.
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