Strains & products

Black Garlic—The Forest, Missouri, summer 2023

Published on May 8, 2023 · Last updated August 14, 2023
Black Garlic had us munching and conking out like woah. (David Downs/Leafly)
Black Garlic had us munching and conking out like woah. (David Downs/Leafly)

88 points out of 100

Spring, 2023

Price: $17/gram

Oni Seed Co’s cross of GMO x Sour Dubb promises savory stanky gas, and The Forest in Missouri delivers. Black Garlic looks dark and smells like a lights-out indica. Savory GMO funk mixed with Sour Diesel gas fumes. Will reek up your clothes. Smoking it hits vanilla, then strong gas like sucking on a dirt bike tailpipe; leaving you seriously cooked.

(David Downs/Leafly)
(David Downs/Leafly)
Missouri marijuana sales top $102 million during first month of adult-use market

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Leafly Ratings’ 100-Point Scale

  • 95-100 Perfect: exemplary cannabis
  • 90-94 Outstanding: a cannabis product of superior character and style
  • 85-89 Good: a weed that’s worth checking out
  • 80-84 OK: solid, well-grown cannabis
  • 75-79 Meh: a smokeable weed with acceptable flaws
  • 50-74 Nope: That’s a no from us, dog.

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Dried, cured, packaged, and sold buds, reviewed from bag in tastings, are given a single score. We focus on aroma, taste, effect, look, pedigree, cultivation method, and more.
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David Downs
David Downs
Leafly Senior Editor David Downs is the former Cannabis Editor of the San Francisco Chronicle. He's appeared on The Today Show, and written for Scientific American, The New York Times, WIRED, Rolling Stone, The Onion A/V Club, High Times, and many more outlets. He is a 2023 judge for The Emerald Cup, and has covered weed since 2009.
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