Recently I took a look at the rising female interest in cannabis and shared some business takeaways for dispensaries looking to offer a more female-friendly experience to their clientele. One of the suggestions I made was to make sure dispensaries stock strains that are especially appealing to female consumers, a tip that may have brought about some skepticism. Are there really strains that resonate more strongly with women?
According to our data, yes. What are they, and what qualities do they possess that appeal to the fairer sex? First, let’s take a look at the most popular strains women are searching for on
The Strains Women View the Most on Leafly
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The above chart highlights the 10 cannabis strains most viewed by women. At first glance the data may seem unsurprising, as these strains are also among our most popular overall, so there aren’t any real surprises here. However, things get really interesting when we look at the strain varieties that women look at more than men:
Cannabis Strains Women Look at More Frequently Than Men Do
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The above chart illustrates which strains women view more often than their male counterparts and the percentage increase at which they’re viewing them. This data, supplemented with the list of strains women view the most, leads us to some interesting observations. Why are women attracted to these strains? Here are our hypotheses:
Women Like Sativa Strains and Uplifting Effects

Uplifting sativas and hybrids dominate female preferences, with both charts combining to include only two indica strains. Even the hybrids offer a patten of euphoric, happy, and uplifting commonalities, suggesting these effects are desirable among female consumers.
Women Seek Out High-CBD Strains

Charlotte’s Web, Harlequin, and Cannatonic are all known for their high-CBD content. According to research, CBD, or cannabidiol, can offer analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties. Activist and entrepreneur Jaime Lewis told High Times that women turn to cannabis to help treat a variety of diseases or symptoms including menopause, menstrual cramps, anorexia, breast cancer, and PMS. These high-CBD strains can offer pain relief for a lot of the ailments and discomfort women experience.
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Showing you dispensaries nearWomen Are Interested in Anti-Anxiety Strains

Uplifting strains and CBD-heavy options have something in common: they also help mitigate anxiety. According to Leafly user reviews, Charlotte’s Web, Harlequin, Cannatonic, Skywalker, Agent Orange, and Jack Herer all possess anti-anxiety effects. Considering women are twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder as men, you can see why strains that help alleviate these feelings would be especially appealing to females.
Women Enjoy Sweet, Fruity Flavor Profiles

Women have a better sense of taste than men (and no, this isn’t a dig at bro tanks and board shorts), and they’re more likely to be “supertasters,” or people who experience a much more intense sense of taste than average Joes. Many of the strains women search for have distinctly fruity, sweet flavors, such as Green Crack and Harlequin (both offer flavors similar to mangoes), Lemon Kush and its sweet citrus mix, Purple Haze and its sweet berry taste, and Agent Orange’s, well, orange-y citrus fragrance.
So what strains do women want? According to our data, it’s high-CBD strains and uplifting sativas and hybrids that deliver anti-anxiety effects and taste damn good. Dispensaries: take note of our findings and stock your shelves accordingly. Women could very well be a major contributing factor to ending cannabis prohibition, so make sure your inventory is ready for our discerning tastes.
Of course, our readers were quick to weigh in with their thoughts on our findings; check out which strains they recommend instead.
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Image Source: Sara Dilley