Simply unique. This is the first strain I ever smoked that actually eliminates anxiety. A really good, relaxed, feeling alaise, anxiety free high. Highly recommend it.
I ain't trying to sound metaphysical and shit but I swear this is what I call a God-frequency strain. Once you hit it you'll realize "Holy crap, this is unusually strong". In my opinion, this is a sativa dominant strain buy you'll definitely feel it's indica side as well. it's a beautiful body-mind high that personally gives me an eagle-vision retrospective on my life and helps with having a batter life perception and overthrowing all that shit that make me depressed. This strain is extremely good for depression, great for body relaxation and very euphoric. I highly recommend it.
Do you have multiple sclerosis or know anyone who has it? look no further. I have MS and I have been trying a lot of different strains to cope with the MS bullshit. Eureka, I have finally found it. I strongly, anecdotally believe that this strain has the perfect genome for mood enhancement, muscle relaxation and sleep. Believe me (in Trump's voice), this is what every MSer dreams of. Ihighly recommend it.