
member since 2018

Recent Reviews7 total

Harvest - Mesa (Med/Rec)

wow. ouch. I hate being negative but this was bad. real bad. I placed an order at 12pm 2 days ago. heard nothing. called they said nothing came thru and to call back in 10 mins. did that they still didn't have it then he said the delivery guy wouldn't be they're till 2. still cool I waited till 245. called back asked what was going on he had me on hold then told me the delivery guy hadn't shown up yet and his manager told him to tell me that they would call to tell me weather they were going to do it or not. I was amazed that this is what the "MANAGER" said. obviously I ordered from somewhere else and had my meds in less then an hour for cheaper. i never heard back from them lmfao. this was honestly the worst experience I've ever had with a dispensary and I really hate being negative.

DOMM - Medical Delivery

DUDE I AM SO IMPRESSED. SO F**KING IMPRESSED. Took my order gave me free deliver even tho I was a little past 3pm. then on top of that knocked tax off for being a FTP. Then the delivery was fast. the driver was nice and professional (Jeremy was is name I believe). and this product. oh my god this product. I paid 65 flat. for a quarter ounce and 2 big pre rolls. and the product was way better then I expected. most 25 dollar eighths get sketch. not these. DOMM IS LIFE.