
member since 2014

Recent Reviews20 total

Hindu Kush

Hindu packs a nice punch . Starts as a slow crawl up your body and hits you behind the eyes 10 minutes later. A nice one for the couch , late at night , with a movie or a good sitcom . Think Seinfeld . Would be good for a creative high, as long as the couch doesn't seem too tempting. Would be nice to both paint and write on, though I've never tried either. Happy, slightly silly high that should calm the worst of nerves, or melt away any stress you may have going on. If you've got insomnia it would be good for that, too. One of the better strains I've smoked, I must say. And most importantly - enjoy. ;)

White Widow

I had the cbd version of this strain. It was 1:1 with cbd and thc. Having said that the high was a slow burner that turned into a mellow, happy, & creative high . It was good stuff. I had been feeling stressed and a bit anxious lately , and within 2 minutes of smoking a tiny bowl of this strain the stress and anxiety just melted away . It wasn't super long lasting, but then again I had a pretty small bowl as I enjoy microdosing, a puff here, a puff there. Left me feeling chilled, relaxed and happy. Would recommend this completely to anyone looking for some stress relief and some creative vibes .

OG Shark

Nice buzz - heavy behind the eyes. A great strain for chilling at night , with or without a buddy. Took stress away, talkative & happy. No paranoia . Made sleep come easy .

Sweet and Sour Widow

After suffering from anxiety attacks, which turned into depression, I reached out and got my hands on some Sweet and Sour Widow for its CBD effects. An hour after smoking, I felt the anxiety, stress, and depression, lift and float away out the open window. The room felt brighter, everything felt better, and I saw my problems for what they were - temporary. Didn't need much of this at all for it to completely relax both body and soul. For anyone suffering from depression, anxiety, stress - get your hands on some Sweet and Sour Widow. The most relieving, beautiful strain I've ever smoked. Hours after the the high was worn off, I still feel relief. The smoke was smooth and quite tasty, too.

OG Kush

What else can be said about this strain that hasn't already been said? Not much, really. Probably the most popular strain ever, and for good reason. I noticed the effects after a couple of drags, feeling a slight heaviness behind the eyes, followed by the big cheese. It took me a bit to figure out the reason my cheeks hurt - in a good way - was because I was smiling so hard. Classic strain that I hope every smoker gets to experience. Perfect for any occasion. 5/5. Highly recommended.

NYC Diesel

I was really excited to try this strain, and after getting my hands on some and rolling one -a big one - up, I was disappointed. The effects were weak, didn't do much for me in any regard. It gave me terrible dry mouth and dry eyes. Perhaps it was just a bad batch, but I'm in no rush to get my hands on some again. Original sour diesel is better. It's not even close.

Bubba Kush

I went to a music festival and smoked this. It was a great time. I chilled up on a hill under a tree, laying down on a blanket listening to the music. Everything was great. This is a classic strain that every regular pot smoker knows about. World renowned for the high that begins in your head, and works its' way down your body providing immense relief from just about whatever ails you. This strain is fairly easy to find, so I don't partake in it too much, but every couple of months I'll get a quarter when I want to relax more than usual.

Pink Kush

A really strong strain that's best suited for a day smoke, in my opinion. The satvia effects of this flower are on full display after the first couple of drags. I smoked this, put on sunglasses and went apple picking with my girlfriend. It was a great time. A good way to satisfy the munchies that come with this strain with some healthy food. Recommended.


Super strong strain. The first couple of times I smoked this, I was wrecked, but in a good way. It provides a full on body stone that would be perfect for before bed, or an evening smoke when your only plans are to lay on the couch and binge watch Narcos on Netflix until 1am - if you can stay awake that long. Definitely wouldn't want this as an every day smoke, but once and awhile, it provides a nice stone. Medically speaking, I think anyone suffering from nerve damage, or muscle spasms would benefit from this strain. For those prone to anxiety - I would suggest dipping a toe in the water when it comes to this strain. Take a few drags, wait 10 minutes, and see where you're at. Doesn't take long to come on, and the effects can be alarming, especially to new smokers. Having said that, this strain would be great for stress and anxiety in regular smokers.

Hash Plant

A real chill strain. It's a bit of a grower. I thought about rolling a second one, and by the time I went back inside, the hashplant had kicked in, and there was no rush for a second one. A laidback stone, that's perfect for kicking with a buddy, or going on a nice hike in the early evening. Or whatever you do that you find calming and relaxing. If you want a night in on the couch, this is good for that, too, but I find it's better to go do something to enjoy the full effects of this wonderful strain.