
member since 2014

Recent Reviews1 total

Space Queen

I love Queen and whined endlessly when we lost the strain. A friend found a couple and we cloned her. One of the plants was next to a Lavender male and I found 6 seeds. The Queen plants didn't fair so well due to a infestation of a strange looking fly that caused the plants to mold while growing. The other strains weren't affected. Reluctantly my boyfriend allowed me to grow 2 of my Lavender Queen seeds which were quite impressive looking babies that kept their first two sprouting leaves that grew to be 6" long 4" wide and finally lost them when we moved them outside. One took after the Queen and averaged 3-4 lbs of huge buds dripping with pea sized tricomes and couldn't be smoked in a joint. Way to much resin. The other one... That was all mine took after Lavender in looks and smelled earthy. It tasted AMAZING and the HIGH was extraordinary. Smooth hit that never made you cough. Everyone that said nothing got them high said a couple hits did the trick. Bursting with laughter and feeling euphoria like they'd never felt before. Psychotic Anger and severe depression and uncontrollable crying turned into laughter. Pain of the worst kind in all forms forgotten. It's been 4 years since she's been gone and I've tried so many different strains and a few that won several award's grown by 3rd Generation Seeds. NOTHING comes even slightly close to the taste and the wonderful super happy high of my Lavender Queen. I honestly believe she could've won many awards. All those who smoked her say it set the bar so high and miss that great high. This strain cured everything except insomnia. It is pure happy energy