
member since 2018

Recent Reviews7 total

Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express is a strain I really enjoy, and I have smoked it quite a few times, across a range or quality. The buds have a mixture of light and dark green on both the calyxes and the leaves, have orange stigma, and can get quite frosty. They smell rather citrusy, but when smoked, can have a piney taste on the exhale. The high is a mellow and spacey Sativa buzz. It starts out with a burst of mental energy and euphoria, coupled with heightened senses and a trippy edge to the mental effects. However, rather than seeming racy like some sativas, the mental effects tend toward being inspiring yet spacey. I find myself drifting off into my own thoughts and losing track of time. This day-dreamy high is nicely stimulating mentally, but it gradually settles into the body and becomes very relaxing and mellow. All around a good strain, with nice Sativa-dominant effects but still a nice relaxing body high on the comedown. Nice and mellow yet somewhat trippy mental effects that cause me to space out and day dream. Typically, the effects aren't super intense, neither too heady nor too heavy, so if you want to get really loaded, this may not be the best choice. But the character of the buzz is really nice, so if you want to ride a nice mellow sativa high, this is a great choice.

Purple Urkle

Purple Urkle is one of my go to Indicas - an amazing night-time strain. The buds are consistently very large and dense; the calyxes have a rich fruity purple to them, along with a few bright orange stigmas and some dark green bits of leaf. This is one of the richest purple strains I have seen in my life, absolutely beautiful. The buds are always kiefy, totally coated with amber trichomes. The smell of Purple Urkle is amazing, very sweet and fruity, and it translates well into the taste of the smoke. Truly, the smoke is delicious, although it can cause some lung expansion. As for the high, it is exactly what I expect from a heavy Indica. The high hits very quickly; shortly after exhaling the first hit, I already feel it growing, and as I continue through the bowl, the high continues to grow. After finishing the bowl, I always either sit down or lie down in bed, because I know that I will have no desire to move for several hours. But then, the fridge comes calling to me from the hallowed kingdom which it benevolently rules, the kitchen. Eventually, fighting off the heavy, warm sedation that has rendered immobile since I smoked the bowl, I make the trip to the kitchen, eat some food, then often go to bed and sleep shortly afterwards. Purple Urkle can be used socially in the afternoon in smaller doses, and will give a nice euphoric body high, but in large doses, it really has a powerful and pleasurable couchlock that almost inevitably leads to a good sleep - its wonderfully sedating.

Skywalker OG

I smoked some nice Skywalker OG pressed hash recently. It was a dark brown, fairly malleable chunk with a powerful kushy aroma. I pulled off a couple small chunks and placed them in my bong’s bowl, resting upon a stainless-steel screen (but with no bud). The smoke was thick but surprisingly smooth in small hits, although with large hits, a significant amount of lung expansion would occur, sometimes causing me to cough. Upon the exhale of a large hit near the end of my bowl, an immediate and powerful wave of intoxication passed over me; this caused me to slump over in my chair, my chest resting on my knees, my head hanging towards the ground, and my eyes loosely closed. As I slowly began to recover, I was not sure if seemingly vast amount of time which had just passed in my stupor was truly the many long hours it had seemed, or was just imagined, and had truly occurred in only a few short seconds. In reality, the elapsed time had been between thirty seconds and one minute, but my grasp on reality was tenuous, at best, at the time; and so, I was convinced it had either been an eternity, or been no time at all. My mental clarity returned to me quickly as I recovered from the oxygen deprivation and initial shock of the high slamming into my brain and body. Yet over my body lay an intense, almost narcotic, stone, which ensured that my body was consistently rushing with warmth, relaxation, and a sense of physical euphoria. My senses were amplified in a pleasurable way. My touch felt heightened, such that simply rubbing my hand across my cheek wiped my mind clean of thoughts. My vision seemed very focused, almost high definition, and colors seemed bright in the center of my visual field, while my peripheral vision became rather bleary, due largely due to my sagging eyelids. My hearing changed as well; music seemed to slow down time and seemed very broad and deep, at times consuming my entire focus and attention. I became affixed to chair I was sitting in, and it seemed that my muscles would get so comically relaxed that my body would become and amorphous blob and contour itself into the gentle cushioning of the chair. This sensation of physical relaxation was extremely powerful and lasted relatively long, although I rarely saw the high through to its end, especially in higher doses. Indeed, I would often fall asleep as the sensations of warmth, euphoria, and sedation ever-so-gently yet ever-so-powerfully washed over my body in layers, like the steady swell far out at sea on a calm day. And much like such a swell might call to the very heart of a landlocked sailor, this powerful stone would call me to a long and deep sleep. This strain is a great indica, with a really nice, relaxing body high which lasts for a long time, and a profound yet comforting sleepiness on the come-down which is great if you (like me) occasionally have trouble falling asleep.


I have smoked this strain several times, and have smoked ever better batches of Gorilla Glue #4 than what I am currently enjoying and reviewing. One eighth in particular I got just over a year ago from a local medical caregiver who grew indoors, was much more sticky, resinous, and pungent smelling. It was some of the frostiest bud I had ever smoked in my life. That being said, this GG4 is still excellent bud. It has that classic Gorilla Glue look - large, pale green calyxes with a few tiny spots of darker green sugar leaf, rather bright orange stigmas, and a heavy layer of milky and amber trichomes hovering around the bud like a halo of shimmering milk and honey. The smell is intense and pungent, a rich early smell with a strong sour bite. The smoke itself is surprisingly smooth given how kiefy the bud is, and the flavor is most apparent in a sharp sourness on the exhale. The effects kick in quickly; I feel both a body buzz and a bit of a heady rush building even as I exhale the first hit. By the time I've finished the bowl, a strong, warm, and physically euphoric body high was spread through my body in a series of increasingly relaxing layers. At the same time, my thoughts are comfortably and entertainingly racing and I mentally feel blissful and stress-free. One of my favorite parts about this high is that it stays strong and lasts unusually long, settling into a relaxing and euphoric stony high. While Gorilla Glue #4 does not immediately demand sleep, it keeps sleep easily attainable for hours and, if you smoke a lot, it makes sleep almost unavoidable after a long and satisfying high. Over all, Gorilla Glue is certainly one of my favorite hyrbids, because of its strong and long high with well balanced head and body effects, especially euphoria and relaxation, because of its overall aesthetic value with great bag appeal and strong smell, and because of how it helps me sleep, but doesn't just make me pass out like something really heavy (its a great strain for like a couple hours before bed).

Full Moon

Everything, from the bud structure to the fragrant sweet floral smell with a strong herbal spiciness, yell pure sativa. But the effects are where it really reveals itself in its full glory - an intense, soaring head high born aloft by a sense of euphoria which wells up from deep within and contaminates your entire being with an infectious joyfulness. And the trippiness is there too - at times, the vast mental space of your expanded consciousness can become difficult to navigate, if you smoke enough. Yet you always have the positive will within you and a surge of that light, tingling body high - almost elecric - enveloping your body, that you can find your eventual destination. Throughout this journey, time dilation and even mild visuals may please the senses as the mind rapidly wanders through many strange yet pleasing thought-patterns, which weave an intricate web of overlapping yet separate thought patterns looping back around to meet and meld in with each other until eventually they grow too intricately fused to still be separated or even distinguished as separates or even be remembered.... wait that was I thinking about? Seriously though, this is a powerful, heady, energetic sativa which in small doses will leave you energized and uplifted to do various day-time activities, while high doses will blast you so high mentally, that those same activities may be difficult simply due to extreme cerebral impairment (even though the body remains feeling light, not heavy or tired). Great smoke! Careful though, I could see this causing some anxiety or paranoia for those who don't like sativas or have a low tolerance and aren't prepared for the type of effects this type of weed will have on you. But for sativa lovers, this is a must try!

Wifi 43

I picked up a quarter of this Indica recently. The buds were large and dense, with a dark green color and with brownish pistils. The layer of resinous trichomes was a rich amber color; it was clear that these were mature buds. The smell was very powerful, rich and earthy with a bit of an acrid bite reminiscent of diesel. I ground up a bit and smoked it out of a glass beaker-bottom bong, in the evening. The high was amazing - a warm sense of weight gradually washed over my body, spreading from my head and chest into my limbs and all the way down into a warm tingle in my fingers and toes. A heavy sense of physical euphoria bathed me; early on it was accompanied by some uplifting cerebral effects, but later, my mind was surprisingly clear, despite having an intense and pleasurable body stone. Any and all sources of stress were long forgotten as I enjoyed the strong and long-lasting indica effects, which eventually eased me off into a deep sleep. This was one of the most enjoyable indicas I have ever smoked. It isn't an instant K.O. like some really heavy indicas, and has a little bit of an uplifting effect near the start. It offers warmth, relaxation, and euphoria throughout its long effects, and if you allow it to, it will gradually ease you into a great sleep. One of my favorite evening-time strains ever, I'll smoke it an hour or two before I want to sleep.

Blue Dream

I picked up an 1/8th of this for $30 a little while ago, and could barely wait to try it. The bag appeal was insane; big, dense, triangular buds which were light green in color and speckled with darker green as well as orange pistils. All over the buds, both on the exterior and hidden deep within, richly milky and golden, was a forest of swollen trichomes. The aroma of the buds was sweet and floral, and was delightfully pervasive. Once the buds were ground up, the sweetness became even more apparent. What with the beautiful looks and smell, I was very excited to smoke this weed. After a mere two hits out of my bong, it became clear that the bud was potent. I got up, walked into my kitchen, and hummed an improvised tune to myself as I cooked myself dinner. The high was, at this level, clearly sativa-dominant, with a euphoric yet mellow cerebrality, and a mild, relaxing body buzz. Later, however, when I smoked a full bowl, I found that higher doses led to a tired, incapacitated high that lacked the warm, euphoric sedation of a proper indica. Ultimately, I'd say that the Blue Dream high is pleasant in small doses, but at higher doses, loses its appeal. I bought some Purple Urkle and some Apollo 13 at the same time as the Blue Dream, and the Blue Dream was my least favorite. Don't get me wrong - it was good-looking, good-smelling, potent bud. But the character of the high was not exactly what I enjoy.