Green Pharms Dispensary Mesa (Med/Rec)
I have been a patient of green Farms. For 5 years or more. I am Diagnosed with Aspergers and also Grand maul seizures in 2021 i have received multiple infractions from them includeong giveing me another patients order every time i bring it to there attention they treat me like the mistakes were my fault or No big deal there os a bud tender that every time she takes my order she is polite on the phone and asks my Name than her response is what do you need as if i impositioned her the treat me like my Aspergers os all they see in me and it is so uncomfortable.i have been going to Natures wonder instead i own a buisness and if my employees acted like this i would send them back to there mcdonalds job where they belong im sorry but this is wrong and they make me a inside joke