Just got some and let me telly ou, after reading the reviews on this magic; it's true what they say! Just takes 1 bowl between 2 peeps and you'll be soaring! =) Enjoy the green!
This is by far the best weed I've ever smoked next to Matanuska Thunder Fuck! If you're able to find this bud, buy it in the largest amount possible! Enjoy guys!
Can't remember much about the high on this one, but this was the bud that me and my friend smoked all through high school most of the time. I know plenty of people who are selling it!
Haven't had this bud in a while but, when I was able to get my hands on it, my friends and I were buying it in copious amounts! All I can say is that it's got an incredible high and it smells really good! Enjoy! :)
Just got a bunch of this the other day, was pretty fucking good. I have had better though, but again I was smoking various different strains of weed throughout the day so, yeah I would recommend it to people. - a stoner review
Just picked this bud up and I'm not sure yet on how well I like it or not. It may have been how it was consumed (not tight enough of a roll) but as of right now, I should be pretty up there, and I'm not (5 min ago we smoked). Maybe this is some more of that creeper shit we got the other day! Gotta love that ton of bricks!