
member since 2020

Recent Reviews11 total

Cherry Punch

Amazing. This is another quality strain that shouldn’t be lost in the crowd. If euphoria to you is a warm full feeling this is one of those. Honestly I wasn’t expecting a lot out of it, because it came in a combo sale and I just gave it a random try. It’s in my top 5. Medical benefit and healing vibes. I would rebrand and change the name to something more sophisticated. It’s a good strain to coexist with normal life or to spruce up the day.

Love Affair

Feeling disappointed. I went back and tried this subsequently at different hours and it’s always the same unpleasant effects. First it’s kind of an anxious and slightly irritating vibe. Second, it doesn’t lift my consciousness or clarity. Didn’t increase productivity. I’ve had several decades self medicating anxiety and lack of focus and pain. As someone who relies on feeling creative and comfortable I don’t see any reason to smoke this strain. My love affair with this strain is officially broken up and we never quite hit it off. Potency was 18% the flavor in the not special into straight dirt range.

Jet Fuel Gelato

Amazing healing state of being. Extremely productive but not hyped or nervous. Very clear headed and Zen. Takes the edge off aches. This jar only 16% THC and it doesn’t need anymore. It’s got such a beautiful blend of terpenes. This lives up to the lineage hype and then some for me. I’ve heard the high is not all about THC but more about blend and Jett Fuel Gelato is a shining example!


This one earns all 5 stars, it’s quality skunked and legit. Clear headed relaxed and had a nice laugh or two. It doesn’t impose itself on you, as a great medical grade shouldn’t. I use for anxiety and pain. If you smoked in the 80s early 90s it will remind you of that good sticky green stuff we called sinsemilla. 🔥 A friend told me the Bellamy bros “ reggae cowboy” was great. I am glad I took a chance on this.

Member Berry

I’m giving Member Berry a B- sure it gets you high. I wasn’t impressed with the flavor, I got some flower. The experience is like a clear headed cloud for me. No deep insightful thoughts. As others said, it’s a relaxing non anxiety buzz. I’m going to smoke this up probably in a bong and TBH won’t restock this flavor. Not saying you won’t enjoy it, just feels a little average for me.

Rebel Sour

This is one of the best experiences ever. Experienced smoker. I enjoy many strains for different reasons but this one is so lush it’s in a class of its own. The happiness and content feeling is so body focused. Rebel sour replaces discomfort with what seems like a missing piece of my feel good system. It’s not trippy, it’s very focused and clear. It made me super hungry and enjoy every bite of everything… even water tastes amazing lol. I need weight so this is a good thing for me. Work or play for me. Got chores and some creative work completed with pleasurable moments relaxing so comfortably in between, I didn’t know what to expect, but this goes up there with the top names. Good for anxiety and pain.

Northern Hashplant

I dig this strain. I didn’t at first. It took a while to understand the vibe and I stuck with it because it helped me sleep. Then found myself using it a little earlier each night. Then found myself looking forward to Northern Hashplant. It still allows you creative thinking and clear insights. Also legit medical value, my anxiety and diabetic pains are turned down. This is a great strain to lay down and read with. So nicely, it might become more than a twilight smoke. A good tool in the kit, I prefer this and Mandarin Dream for indica.

Dutch Hawaiian

This has become a favorite strain. Multi purpose. It’s nice for doing exercises and equally good for creative work. The ride up is quick and doesn’t last much longer than 20 minutes. The secondary portion of the high is a little mild and good for a couple of hours. Of note, this strain is one of few that can get me laughing. Anything that strikes me funny can really set me off. I don’t look for that in a strain, but it has raised my vibe over depression and that’s cool. It gives me a very clear focus for listening to music, reading, writing and makes scrolling the feed much more dynamic and entertaining. This is amazing for sex. At times I use this to help me go into my own little world. If I have anxiety I just go with it and it has never been bad. That brings me to the time of day, I have enjoyed it a lot with morning coffee. It is also good at night because on the tail end of the high there is a slight but pleasing tranquilizing effect. Dulls the pain, you don’t realize how well sometimes until it wears off. Helps my anxiety and lifts my spirits.

Mandarin Dreams

Relaxing however depending on how much you smoke the results differ. Small amounts work well for that little sleepy bump. It’s a nice way to chill and feel your eyes get heavy. Smoking more leaves me able to read and write. I also have enhanced intuitive perception with Mandarin Dreams if using each hour. When I use larger doses after the slightly high feeling fades I fall into very deep sleep. For me one strong toke is a small dose. 2 or 3 tokes is larger. One strong toke additional each hour I find ideal. It’s strong, note it is a good amount of THC in this strain. However have not had a bad high it is more gentle and cotton soft for me. It’s a pleasurable warmth around my eyes. Body feels heavy on the couch or in bed. It feels good to sit down and melt. For someone uptight like me this is a good effect. I have used this in the day, not the proper tool for day work more often than not. Late afternoon into the evening this is becoming a favorite. To enjoy the cozy hours. This mixed with a CBD dose is a very nice combination. I don’t get the munchies on this. I can think very clearly on Mandarin, prefer sitting with a notebook or laptop with this feel. Thoughtful and restful. Content and patient.

White Buffalo

This is everything I need for a great workday. Totally productive high. Perfect with your first cup of coffee. I like this in very small doses all day. Once I used too large a dose and it gave me pretty strong anxiety. However slow and low this will eliminate anxiety and leave you focused on anything you need to work on. Clearly. Detail oriented. Mundane tasks go smoothly and you are able to think of other things while busy. More detail tasks you can zero right in, Like 1 hit an hour does the job, First use one morning with a bowl had almost a spiritual vibe. Clearly raises my purity and vibe. Writing this review because after a busy work week having my neuropathy and anxiety quelled down, home tasks taken care of and excelling at my job I have determined this to be the good side of an antidepressant and a Motrin would do to help keep me feeling good enough to be productive and creative. So impressed after a month of this it is becoming obvious that switching to GSC is not the feeling I want compared to white buffalo. Avid note taker, in the first week I was not a huge fan of this strain. Until I learned what this does, and that for me it works best upon waking up right along with the morning cup of coffee. I use medically and each strain is a medicine. WBF is a daytime productive tool. When it’s time for recreation and trying to kill pain sleep and get hungry I choose other strains and CBD for those applications.