
member since 2021

Recent Reviews2 total

Orange 43

Perfect day time/social weed! This won't give you any cloudy-head feelings and let's you stay talkative and moving. Love it for hiking! Tastes great, but you have to be a little careful. Because it doesn't make you sluggish, you can smoke too much and realize too late that maybe you're too high to drive. Just take it a couple hits at a time and really focus on how it makes you feel.

Banana Puddintain

Sweet tap dancin' christ. This is AMAZING. First time I smoked a little too much, but I was very talkative/engaged in convos, felt amazing, cerebral buzz like crazy (not foggy though!), body high was relaxing, and then I noticed I had too much because I got a little couch locked. But even that was extremely comfortable and I felt loose. I'd say one to two hits of this and most people will enjoy one of the greatest daytime/social highs they've ever had. Only downside (and maybe because I had too much) was cotton mouth. But come on, kind of part of our lives on here lol