
member since 2014

Recent Reviews2 total

Tropicana Cookies

Yesterday a friend came over to help me with a 2-person home repair project. When that was done, we filled RAW cones with a mystery bag of bud that was still on a six inch stem. I took one for later and gave him the remaining seven. He texted me later when he split a joint with his wife...correction...his wife texted for him because he was on another planet! She has a higher tolerance and said it was a perfect 10/10. He was switching from heaven to hell. So I lit mine up and smoked it all, still not knowing what strain it was. I hit a ceiling, which I'm thankful for. It was pure bliss, dancing on that line of "I'm perfectly high, but any higher could be bad." And dance I did...to the music of the ending credits of Shaun of the Dead! For me it felt like pure euphoria! And I was able to weed-sherlock the origins of the mystery weed and recalled that it was definitely Tropicana Cookies! Top 5 that I've tried. Me: 10/10 Buddy: 7-8/10 Buddy's Wife: 10/10 P.S. Some text from his wife: "I'm typing word backward and they were coming out forward" "Omg he's having a full ass conversation with hisself now 🤦🏻‍♂️"


Grew this amazing strain a couple times. My most memorable experience was smoking LSD with a friend after an AWOLNATION concert. At one point, I was interpreting what he was saying back to him; I vaguely recall that being useful to him somehow. Then I remember waking up next to the dining room table when my friend found me after searching the house. He thought I was invisible or trying to scare him.