
member since 2019

Recent Reviews2 total

Sensi Star

Bought from SQDC Bouvier. Sensi Star by DUBON. 22% THC which was on the slightly lower end, expected 27% but oh well. You won't be able to feel the difference at all anyway. It's a pure blast of indica THC. Very good humidity, very dense, tight buds (hard like a rock!), a pure blast of relaxation. I was taken to nostalgia town with this. I've never been this stoned from legal weed. This is a couch lock strain. This is a sleeping strain. This is is a potent anti-anxiety strain. This is a strain to MELT in your bed or your couch. It is meant specifically for that. This was the most pleasant smoke I've had from the SQDC and easily worth the 30$ for a 3.5g. The genetics are amazing.


First things first: this product is 20$. It's pretty cheap. Cheapest product regularly in stock at the SQDC. There are cheaper and much better quality products available but they are not in stock For the weed itself.. Smell: decent floral smell. Made me think of something like lavender or roses...very flowery. It is a faint odor, though. Taste: Again...not much to say. Vague flowery notes, but pretty weak apart from that. Very dissapointing compared to San Rafael's Purple Chitral, which is only 5$ more. Texture and bag appeal: Cool! Purple weed! Except not really. This is where HEXO's Bayou starts to go massively down hill. Bayou, like just about every HEXO product, is EXTREMELY over-dried. It removes the nuances of the taste, the smell, even the potency is affected by overly dried cannabis. This cannabis will CRUMBLE in your hands as soon as you rub it between your fingers. You don't even need a grinder, that's how dry it is. As a customer, I find this pathetic quality control completely unacceptable. If a black market cannabis dealer offered this to me, I would be offended. Genuinely offended. Do you think a little bit of purple color makes up for quality control surpassed by high school weed dealers? High: It's alright. Pretty decent indica buzz. Nothing special. Good for being lazy. Requires a little bit more product to get high. Not a heavy-hitter. This high will take a minute or two to creep up on you. For 20$ I find it OK. Not great, but not terrible. I'd have given it 3 stars since it is OK in terms of high, not bad, but the extremely dust-dry cannabis means I literally cannot open this up and just smoke it. I have to put in a humidity pack and let it sit there for a day before it becomes smoke-able. This isn't a problem with San Rafael, Riff or any of HEXO's competitors. Look, HEXO, it's been half a year since you know you have a problem with quality control in your products. Plenty of people have taken this up with corporate. Everyone knows HEXO products are CLEARLY sub-par compared to MedReleaf. The message has been passed and corporate still hasn't done anything about it. I don't know why HEXO management think they're immune from competing market forces. Your contract will not last forever. Please think of your brand and how renewing that contract with the SQDC might be easier if you have the product quality, brand reputation and accompanying sales to back up your current quasi-monopoly contracts with the government.