
member since 2019

Recent Reviews3 total

Blue Ridge Wellness

Yesterday I ordered 2 g n 2 g two @ 35 as kind n 1 gram 60 motor breath sugar. 130-20 % is 104. I asked first to use my 50 off said today's last day of 20 % off it would be cheaper w 20 off?? . Ok what math teacher you had let you down (it's 130-50 is 80 so less. ) I said fine says total. 108.??? Um 130-20 % is 104. Showed him prices tells me well it may have been 33 not 35 (um that would be less then 104 cheaper still) Lol. Why I couldn't skip the discount and use the 50 off not sure I get a discount as it is already. This isn't the first time w curb side took while 15 to 20 min w me only one waiting.