Lemon Diesel
While I’ve had a good time with this strain during the day (a fun wake n bake to go all out with!), I mostly prefer it at night after I am home from work or in for the night. I always enjoy its very relaxing, yet not overwhelmingly sedating effects. I tell ya, it gives me an extra level of a light, slightly energetic curiosity when it comes to watching movies and TV or reading books—for me these are great ways to unwind from a hectic, never-sat-down-all-day type of day.
One night, I had maybe a little too much fun (oops...after an undocumented number of hits past “super-stoned”)...I began pretending I was a scholarly philosopher with all the secrets to a happy life. It drove me to write down notes about making some positive changes to my everyday life. Tbh I really wished I had a feather pen to dip in some ink, whilst sitting by a lantern at a desk...but really I was just sitting on the couch...lmao...
Reading those notes sober is funny at times, but does make me realIze the high version of me has it exactly right: stress over petty things, paired with self-doubt and anxiousness over the way I am, is recipe for unhappiness and isn’t the way I want to live life.
Another bonus is that I get a great night’s sleep after my curiosity settles, and I can peacefully drift off! Always wake up without feeling groggy or gross, which is nice.
Smoking Lemon Diesel helps me let the little worries go, and at the same time drives me be proactive and realistic about my life.