
member since 2019

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The Botanist - Buffalo

Their product is most definitely low grade & not at all like the PharmaCannis 450 mg 20:1 Blue Vape even though that is what the product package states. After my dismal visit, I open up the tube to find a very large bubble on the top/side of the cartridge. When I got it heated, it leveled out to the point where it appeared to be at least three days old, *one cartridge lasts me 7-8 days* loosing about six dbl hits. I also noticed that by the time I got to the indented part of the inner cartridge, the product tasted like old pot residue that we used to scrape off bongs and pipes. That burnt taste stays in your mouth for hours after! So next Vape up (I buy 3 at a time) & yes, same bubble at the top. I then opened tube #3 only to find yet a larger bubble. I packed everything back up & went down expecting a refund or replacement for the severe lack of product. In total, I would estimate 3/4 of one vape cart was missing due to the bubbles. I explained my dilemma to be met with "How do we know you didn't hit each of these cartridges then thought we would replace all three for you? You purchased these 7 days ago so that would be enough time for you to use that much product....if not more." I was floored but proceeded to ask about a refund or replacement only to be told NO refunds are EVER given (it is against the law after all!!) I had to accept inferior and shorted product AND an attitude thrown in as a bonus. When I purchased the 3 vapes, I asked for the $7 pen but she put the $20+ one in my bag without telling or showing me what she gave me. Since the receipt did not label each item, I had no idea how much I paid for the pen until I figured out how much each vape was minus their meager discount. It was well over $20 yet I had no way of showing I had purchased it theresince it was 'hidden' within the receipt to look as though I purchased only 3 vapes and no pipe. And of course, once home I took four hits over five hours only to have the pen just shut down with no lights coming on at all. It stayed cold even though I had it charging at three different locations throughout my house when other pens charged with no issue. Here I am with the defective vape pen in this pleather & metal case that I did not ask for being told they do not guarantee their vape pens and I was just out of luck. I then CALMLY ask what they were going to do about the product that was missing thanks to the bubbles on each vape cartridge. He then goes on a ten minute explanation about how the machine fills each cartridge the exact same amount and NEVER had they had any issues with bubbles. Since he had it in his mind I was trying to get free product from them, he stood his ground leaving me standing there with a broken pen and inferior product that was shorted @ $81 a vape cartridge & a $20 some vape pen that did not work and they could not replace. I live on SSDI so this is not something that I can take lightly...it represents most of my food money and emergency money. This was not the first time here... like that even matters. I went ONLY because of their location. Never again though! Customer service is beyond unbelievably poor. Their product is far inferior to PharmaCannis (their FULL container 450mg 20:1 Blue Vape is $90. With my 10% SSDI discount, -$8.oo & bulk discount, -$5.27, I pay $75.73 for FAR Superior product that is guaranteed. NO hassle refunds with no questions asked on both product and a VOLUNTEER offer to replace my cheap pen since I purchased it from them months prior. If you want great product that is guaranteed with an easy return policy with no questions asked. Professionally trained staff who remember your name after meeting you once and who really care about your health and how their product can help you cope with pain and discomfort. All this combined with a very efficient system staffed with people who get you in and out in mere minutes. When I leave I hear my name said at least six times by all employees in the office as they bid me farewell. The cashier at The Botanist does not even look up or wish you good bye or a good day after you pay, even if you are the only one in the store...which is common. Seriously, even though it is an hour drive R/T to PharmaCannis, it is well worth it to know I am covered 100% and the 'mari-tenders' know my name and by now my usual order! They could teach The Botanist how to operate a business properly so your waiting room is always full. N I will not be visiting here again after the rude and unnecessary accusatory transaction I had the last time in. I was made to feel like a junkie begging for product because I cheated and now wanted more free. I have never been treated and cheated like that at one time. And I never will be treated like that again. I hope you follow suit.