member since 2016Recent Reviews4 total
The Jazz Club
Huge selection, knowledgeable budtenders, and on-site parking. Best shop in Detroit.
Granddaddy Purple
The worst strain I have ever smoked! As someone who has smoked for 20+ years I have NEVER came across a strain that has done for me the same as vodka for most. GDP is the 1st and only strain to sober me up and make me violent as if I were drunk, yet with zero "euphoric" felling. I can't even recommend this as a day-time strain as there was no positive effects experienced. Highly disappointed, and will follow my own advice for preferred strains from now on.
Bloom City Club - Medical
Best shop around! Extremely friendly staff, great product selection, and on site parking. The parking was huge for me. A lot of shops are not that easy to get to and have even less options for parking. Why would I want to raise my stress/anxiety when I'm trying to get my medication for STRESS &ANXIETY?! The staff is extremely knowledgeable and even took the time to give me a demonstration. This is the only shop I will go to from now on.