
member since 2017

Recent Reviews8 total

Blue Dream

I love the Euphoria. Tolerance doesn't build up as fast as Blueberry. Should use in the afternoon though. I didn't find it the best daytime. I'd give it a five star, but since I had blue pine and pineapple, my standards have been raised.

Ace of Spades

I am not sure what happened. I got this at Canuvo in Biddeford, ME. Lately their stuff doesn't taste like it is being flushed properly so I am not sure if that is the problem or if it is the strain itself, but this stuff actually made me angry, paranoid and created almost like a temporary bad thought OCD type of mindset, when I don't even suffer that condition. No one else has had a bad reaction to this stuff? Seriously? I am never touching it again. I have PTSD. This made it a thousand times worse.


What I had was a salad of Blueberry and Bubba Love mixed together and I am telling you, that is probably one of the best highs I have ever experienced. I will try these strains separately and come back to edit this review later with a more clearly defined review, but I don't think I ever remembering being so happy in my life. Happy, euphoric, blissful, excited to be alive... this would be a cure for depression, stress, grief, nausea and body pain. Slightly giggly. It is very rare for any strain to have this effect on me. The only down side to it is that you quickly build up a tolerance for these blissful effects. The only down side to it leaves you feeling a little jittery and nervous in the body. Not in a mentally stressful way. It just feels like you accidentally drank too much coffee and I don't think that's the Blueberry seeing how Blueberry is an Indica. I believe this is the effects of the Bubba Love. I'll edit this later when I try the two separately. I notice if I use this on my worst days and than I go a while without using it, it can be a good tool for those terrible days, but won't work for every day use and believe me, if it did I would be using it for every day use. A little hard to work with it outside of the home, but not impossible. Just don't do a lot of talking. lol. I mean you can, but you are gonna sound like a goofball oh and you WILL want to talk too. With EVERYONE. Landlords. Spouses who are at work. Pet ferrets, who do NOT enjoy slow dancing in the living room. Neighbors who don't want to be rude, but want to leave, however you don't notice because you are too high. So yeah. That happened. Also, there is a residual grogginess. So heads up with that. Well worth it. I will hunt this strain, grow this strain and try to improve this strain forever. lol. You can thank me later. ;) OH and if you do decide to try mixing it with Bubba Love, do no more than two parts Blueberry to one part Bubba if you get anxiety. The come down happens quickly minus the residual grogginess that lasts a couple of hours past the euphoria.

Northern Lights

It's okay. I am not really sure what makes this one so popular. I did have a little trouble breathing, but not overwhelming. It is a total cure for insomnia. This is goodnight bud, for sure. I gave it four stars for being such an effective cure against insomnia. I have never had such a stable sleep pattern in my life. Not even on melatonin. I struggled with this one at first too, but I notice the more I use it, the more pleasant it becomes and mixing it with a CBD makes it perfect for bedtime use. You feel stoned, but not overwhelming (unless you over do it... I am like the One-Hit-Wonder over here, so you will have to rate it for yourself at stronger doses.

God Bud

It's okay. It isn't anything I am over excited about. This is too high in THC for me, but someone else might enjoy it more. It does have some CBD medicinal properties, though minimal and the benefits match. I feel like some strains trigger my apnea. If I feel like I can't breathe and I use my CPAP machine, it seems to take care of the problem. So the sensation of not being able to breathe (even after only one hit), might be a result of muscle relaxing qualities and apnea, though I am no doctor so I can't be positive. Increases creativity which I do like and creative insights. The high lasts about a half hour per hit. Though this is an Indica, it feels much more like a Sativa to me, so if you are not into Sativas, might be best to avoid. If you like an Indica that doesn't have couchlock and is more in the head, this might be for you. I don't think this is a bad strain at all. It just isn't a good match for me personally. This one has a focus that comes and goes. So might be best at home only.

Durban Poison

EARLY DURBAN. When you read this review, please do so with the understanding that I am an Indica or Indica dominant hybrid kind of girl. I had one of the most unpleasant experiences I have ever had on marijuana, on this strain. For those who suffer anxiety, pain, panic disorders, PTSD or are prone to paranoia, this is most likely not going to be your strain, unless you commonly adverse. Thankfully I had some Shark Shock that corrected the issue for me and made it bearable, but I would not use this a second time. Granted every person is different and I hate writing negative reviews, I really felt I needed to put a warning out there for people in my boat. If you ARE going to try this one, keep some CBD close at hand in case it doesn't mix with you well. That's the best advice I can give.

Shark Shock

This strain is not for those who want to "get high". It's a medicinal strain, high in CBD/low in THC. I suggest taking only one hit on the first go. Not because the high is super intense, but because you can build up a tolerance and it's best with CBD strains to take it easy so this doesn't happen quickly, to get the full benefits. The first time I tried it, right in the beginning of the high I started to get an unpleasant feeling that I sometimes get with some strains, but it disappeared very quickly and was replaced with a very comfortable calming sensation that made it all worth it. I could feel it in my head on the first two or three uses. After that it stopped and I only feel the medicinal benefits without the high, so tolerance is built quickly for that side of it, which is good because I really needed a medicinal strain that wasn't going to mess me up. I can think clearly through this and function easily out of the house and the pain relief this strain gives is unmatched so far. Instant pain relief. After my third or fourth day, the relief only got better. It is almost instant too. I suffer from inflammation due to a genetic nerve disorder that comes with extreme pain, PTSD, ADHD, nausea and other stomach complications (gasteroparisis), and Autism. I can tell you it helps with all of it. It helps with pain. There is no doubt about it. The pain is 80% gone completely and that small amount that is left, is read differently by the brain, in such a way that it can be tolerated better. It's hard to explain, but it really works. I'll never take a pain killer again. With the PTSD, it creates an instant calm so I stop feeling like I need to constantly scan my environment. Anxiousness and anxiety both disappear and things somehow just feel calm and okay... a really big deal for me. I am also able to stop my flashbacks in their tracks so I don't have to relive the trauma. Nothing has done this for me before and I am a long term sufferer who has tried everything, including EMDR five times, (which does help a LOT if you haven't tried it). My concentration is greatly improved and my ADHD, which tested significantly impaired at less than 2% of the ADHD population, has been cut in half. It does not cure Autsim, but I can tell you that it significantly decreases overstimulation, which is the trigger for most melt-downs or behavioral issues. Being sick, I suffer internal and external stimulation and this helps with both, so I am less agitated and snappy when over stimulated. If I put on sunglasses and ear plugs or my sound proof head set, it stops almost completely. I honestly cannot say enough good things about this strain. If you experience any discomfort in the beginning, don't worry. It disappears fast and is replaced by unparalleled benefits that make it well worth it. It also stops happening after the third dose completely. Even stress disappears. OH! Also, my wife suffers from PMDD (if you know what that is, than you KNOW and that's all I am going to say about it) and I gave her two hits of that off of my vape (which I made myself with the flower using the heat and veg. glycerin method) and her symptoms were gone. It won't get rid of the cramps completely, but they become tolerable and the mood issues are gone completely as well as the sense of being overwhelmed and drained. We have tried everything at the OBGYN too and I mean everything. Nothing has helped or worked. This is almost a complete cure for the majority of the symptoms. The longer you use this and build it up in the system, the better it works. Taking too much will make you sleepy so it is effective against insomnia, however there are better strains for insomnia. This is perfect for those who do not wish to be high or to wake up groggy. One final note. This is a cure for overdosing on other strains. If you get too high, or if you use a strain that causes unexpected panic attacks or paranoia or if you feel that sensation like you can't breathe, keep some of this nearby. Especially if you are trying out new strains trying to find the ones that work for you. Taking a few hits of this, will balance out your high (bring you down to a manageable level) in a very short amount of time (typically less than five minutes). It is helping with my sister, cousin and uncle who have cancer by helping with eating and with pain from inflammation and my grandmother who has Parkinson's disease with progressive dementia. She often suffers fear and this diminishes that for her a great deal. The shaking disappears. This is a life-changing strain. Take it for about two weeks before full benefits can be felt.

Green Dragon

This is a bit of a creeper strain, but the high isn't super intense at first. I do however, think this is one of those where you can overdose pretty easily. I did not find significant pain relief. I did not find this giggly, euphoric, or happy. Just a typical high. Nothing I would go out of my way to grow or buy again. Minor dry mouth. It did help with apatite. There was no significant paranoia, but I could see how someone might experience that on this stuff and I did experience paranoia to some degree near the tail end of the high. Okay for those who can steer their high, if you know what I mean. At one point I felt like I was having trouble breathing, which is always a first sign to me that a strain is too strong so go easy on it until you build a tolerance. Clarity and confusion both come and go, but the confusion you can think through. I didn't have significant trouble functioning. Might be an okay day strain at home for some. This one feels like it vibrates on a really low frequency, so you will want to do an up lifting activity while on it. It greatly improves the experience. Adding CBD gets rid of any anxiety/paranoia (that goes for any strain you have trouble with) easily. The come down is abrupt.