
member since 2018

Recent Reviews3 total


The budtender was awesome. Good selection. Had just what I needed

9 lb Hammer

In cartridge form, this has been AMAZING for sleep. Turns off my brain, which is the main issue when falling asleep...and...NO MUNCHIES!! The last thing you want when you are trying to fall asleep, is an insatiable need for pizza!

UK Cheese

FEMALE VIAGRA!! I am not exaggerating! I purchased a "Kaleafa" brand cartridge for $20. Best thing for our sex life, EVER! My husband and I have been married for 16 years and only recently have been encountering some slow down in the bedroom. He started a new medication that effects his ability to achieve orgasm as quickly as before...and at times not at all, leaving us very frustrated! I know his has a lot to do with my stamina, not just his. This made sex feel a bit more tedious than before, so therefore less frequent...with us sometimes completely giving up in frustration...until UK Cheese came along! The over-the-top enthusiasm I get from this strain makes longer sex sessions a huge plus for me! Feels GREAT! I don't know what it is but we have had no problem having amazing and successful encounters, every time, when I take a few puffs of this first. I just can't help but get super into it, for hours. Just FYI, I am the only one using it. That is why I am calling it the FEMALE VIAGRA. He does not smoke at all. If you are having any bedroom issues, it is totally worth a try! Not sure if it would work the same for everyone but for $20, why not!