
member since 2015

Recent Reviews4 total

Level/Up - Tempe

Zero wait, super kind smiley cute staff, AND they have Huxton, the best medicine on the planet for my dollar. I will go where the brand is, and it used to get it elsewhere. I love you, Huxton Zen wild tea vape, oh you beautiful Green Crack, and Maui Wowie and Wonder Woman and more! For me this is pain and anxiety relief better than what else medicine has to offer.

Green Crack

Ever wish you had more time? You spend so much time rushing around with a huge to do list and not enough time to do it all in, right? Of course, you’re also worrying the whole time about all of the things that aren’t getting done. And after all of your important items get done, there’s definitely not enough time to spend doing what you want to do. At long last, there’s a solution! You won’t believe me, but it’s true. Smoke pot. No, really! This is the gospel according to an anxiety-ridden woman in her 40’s who is a convert to the miracle that is marijuana! All of the participating congregation will gaze in glassy-eyed wonder at how time is slowed to a manageable pace! Gape in astonishment at how minutes will become hours before your very eyes! And lo! A chorus of angels will sing glory in the highest to the fun that you will have while you manage your vast accomplishments! In thirty minutes, I’ve written a draft for this article, made a to-do list, laughed with my lover, watched Face The Nation, texted a friend, responded to 2 emails, discussed politics, looked at old photos, put in my contacts, got coffee, pet my dog, figured out what to eat for breakfast, and probably more that I’ve forgotten to write down. You’re probably thinking “I could have done all of that and more in HALF of that time and without pot!” And I have no doubt that you could. But the point is that it felt like a leisurely hour There was no rushing to get things done. No rapid heart beat, elevated blood pressure and muscle tension that goes along with the never ending drive to GO, GO, GO! Pot gives you the ability to live in this very moment, even if it’s not in your nature to do so. And that, especially to someone who suffers from anxiety, is invaluable. Time is priceless; once spent, it can never be earned. Except with a natural, time-warping herb that makes me happy, creative and carefree. Now, a caveat for the easily converted: not all strains are created equal. For example, when encountering edibles for the first time, one should NEVER eat the whole communion wafer. Failing to manage the dose that one consumes may result in the exact opposite of the Garden of Eden that I have just described. The ability to form a coherent thought will leave you. You will accomplish nothing much beyond breathing. But taken in smaller doses and lower THC levels, there is a clarity and purposefulness to the mind that obliterates the hectic pace and frantic noise that anxious people experience. I can’t stop singing the praises of pot. It’s ridiculously enlightening to me to have discovered this so late in life. Just imagine what I could have accomplished earlier in my life if only I had known. Disclaimer: Medical marijuana is legal at the time of this writing in the state of Arizona where I reside. I am able to consume and use marijuana with the prior medical certification of a physician and am doing so legally. I’m sure I’m supposed to tell you to consult a physician prior to use or something, but if I do, I won’t sound convincing.

Curaleaf - Glendale

They were very patient and helpful for this n00b and explained a lot of information.

Green Crack

I had enough energy after this to go for a walk, write part of my novel and TCB without feeling spacey at all. I use to help with anxiety/stress/OCD and this is definitely a good daytime variety. Happy I tried it.