
member since 2016

Recent Reviews7 total


As a person that likes the effects of Sativa but is in constant fear of the possible consequences, I found this strain ok on the anxiety scale. It still start out with that feeling of, " oh sh*t, this could go either way", but the panic never came. And I mis-dosed my first time. I took plenty to send me down to the anxiety drive-in to get me some shakes. I need to try a smaller dose and get back to you on wether or not this allows me to do anything functional. Cause right now there's a bubble around my head.

Sour Diesel

This is the kinda strain that made me stop smoking in the first place 20 yrs ago. Panic at the Disco, for sure. But during this second round in my life, Sour Diesel is a life saver. If I'm losing steam during the day and need to crank something out; or want to bust out of a funk, this one will send help to the rescue through your veins. For me it needs to be dosed correctly, or I'll be telling myself - I'm Ok, I'm OK for a bit. I need take small sips of this, and that can bring life back into color. Just me give me a task to do.

Blue Dream

Productive and Positive. I do like this strain for getting stuff done. On first try, I picked up the house, noticing things I've been putting off for weeks. Also has some great medicinal properties, pains disappeared. I have a strong anxiety reaction with heavy stativa hybrids, and I always keep pushing to see how far I can go without a trip to the ER. I would say this strain allows me to slightly over-do-it without too much consequence. If you're sensitive to anxiety from smoking, this strain may allow you to overindulge a bit. Just try in small doses first. One vendor of this strain was a bit racey and most others have been fairly palpable. - this is a edited review, after I received a second batch. The first one did not sit well with me.

Legalized OG

Started with a bit of energy but runs deep & relaxing most of the time. can still function with most simple tasks but makes chillin super nice.


Slightly heavy legs while up. Once you are in a chair, it doesn't takes a miracle to get out - but you probably won't want to. some good laughs too.

Golden Pineapple

Ok, so this is my favorite strain right now, for doing stuff followed by, not doing stuff. Makes cleaning your house effortless! Put some music on, and check stuff off the to-do list (don't adjust your brakes or anything too serious), then follow up by watching a movie on a whole new level, to celebrate your accomplishments of the day. Totally enjoyable. If I could high-five this strain I would - I'm taking double high-five from volleyball scene in topgun.

Space Queen

Danger Will Robinson! I know people love this strain, but it gave me tremors, a racing heatbeat, and a desire to go to the ER. Budtender was way, way off base recommending this to me. I've recently been re-introduced to enjoying herb, after a 20yr hiatus. And this product gave me the exact results to why I left in the first place. I do not react well to certain strains, and this was up there even with a very small dose. It is still taking some time to learn what I like and what I do not respond well to, as I am re-familiarizing, and educating myself. I'm finding that strong Stativa leaning hybrids can cause me havoc, although not all of them. So some experimentation is necessary. I do not mean to knock this strain for those out there that enjoy it. - please, enjoy it. My purpose here is to let others know, that it might not be a pleasant ride for everyone.