
member since 2016

Recent Reviews3 total


I am far too stoned to write, so I'll try to keep this short. Bad tooth/gum ache beginning at 3 A.M. peaked at 9:30 A.M. Took 164 mg aspirin, 500 mg acetominophen at 10 A.M. Found pipe 75% full of half-cooked Dream Star & filled the top with the last of my L.A. OG. Two hits at 10:05 A.M. Immediate pain relief & mighty HUZZAH!!!! & HOO-YAI-YAI surfing my blood-brain barrier now at 10:22 A.M! HOO-YAI-YAI!!! HOO-YAI-YAI!!! HOO-YAI-YAI!!!

Dream Star

Dream Star, THC 24.06%, Leafly, 04-07-17 I bought 1/2 oz. of this about 2 weeks ago, along with a tiny and highly over-rated CBD water pipe that I paid $100 for. I've since smoked about 1/8 oz. and "down-graded" to a full-size $30 no-name glass bong that is far superior to the CBD piece, and I am still stunned by and a bit apprehensive of the potency of this strain. Ice & water Dream Star bong-hits deliver a head rush that I don't remember feeling since 1996, when we harvested "Buddy", a fat deep purple indica bush that we grew in a closet of our UC Santa Cruz University Apartments residence that kept an average of six people high for an average of 12 hours per day over a 30 day period. Budtenders here sometimes blur the distinction between "sativa" and "sativa-dominant hybrid", and until about five minutes ago when I located the strain on the Leafly site, I thought that I had purchased a pure sativa. It smokes like a pure sativa. Dream Star is so stimulating that I believe that it might make a good step-down medication for those suffering from stimulant addiction. Those with heart conditions would do well to ease into this strain before committing to it, as it does increase BPM’s. The ice & water bong hit delivers a punch that is at least 150% as strong as a pipe hit. Until receiving my prescription, I had smoked from bongs almost exclusively since 1984, and I thought that something in my other medications was inhibiting the impact of the weed that I smoked with my pipes, including strains such as Sour Diesel, Durban Poison, & NYC Diesel. It seems that the ice & water bong-load is simply more efficient, & I'll probably be scolded for discovering this three decades into my smoking career. I am guessing that the greater vacuum effect of the bong causes the weed to burn at a higher temperature and therefore more completely, and the cooling and expansion effect forces more THC into the bloodstream per T. Alcohol consumers can experience a similar effect by combining carbonated and non-carbonated distillates of like composition, such as champagne and cognac. The higher alcohol content of the cognac is forced into the bloodstream at a higher rate due to the carbonation of the champagne. Dream Star delivers an extremely potent, buzzy, head-only high with absolutely no aphrodisiacal effect. This strain induces intensely creative mind states. Don’t post any first drafts written while U.I. of Dream Star. Return to them later and re-write, as what you have written will not resemble what you remember writing. Like cocaine, Dream Star accelerates thought processes, and is therefore a great strain to smoke while writing music or creating improvised music. My CU Boulder Sigma Nu dorm-mate and his frat brothers often came by the room (he actually lived in the frat house, leaving me alone with our other dorm-mate Dong The Pyromaniac, whom I had evicted for lighting a bonfire next to my Dan Smith-era Stratocaster Standard in Emerald Green) to shovel cocaine at me while I played guitar for them. They claimed that I played faster and more accurately when U.I. of cocaine. I believe that I just sounded better to them when they were U.I. of cocaine, but without recordings of this era I can’t conclude anything with certainty. But you get the idea. This works in the same way. I can’t imagine ever finding a better strain, but I remember including a similar comment in my NYC Diesel review, so we’ll see.

NYC Diesel

I still love Durban Poison & Sour Diesel, & I hope that they are available again soon, but NYC Diesel is my current favorite. It gave me headaches for the first week, & I thought that I would replace it. I've smoked .14 grams/day over the last two weeks ($2.39/day with a $5 tip). Two to three bowls of this 31.4% THCA strain produce a mildly psychedelic experience, similar to what I imagine a quarter-hit of LSD might produce, & kill anxiety entirely.