
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total

Natural Healing Center - Grover Beach

I always get edible as soon as I like a specific one (I know they are suppose to be the same high but some are definitely different) ex: keneh confetti cookies were the best, 6 mnth + later now they haven't had it for month so I decided to try the sugar cookies and the high wasn't even close, so I chose chocolate chip that was it best high ever x 5 mnths. Went past week and once again no more so I chose a different one brownie, I've left my name &# so if they get it in, that was 6+ mnths ago very disappointing but other products I get never have this issue. Went in yesterday and again I had to choose different cookies x5 bags bought it (pissed) decided to called the 805 and they had the chocolate chip! Called NHC to see if I can return them really didn't want these (10 min. ago) I was told no returns telling the girl on the phone I was just there 10 min. ago was really pissed! This crap has been happening over & over