
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total


So, I am always on the search for a good Sativa, and Billy Bean does not disappoint. It is a naughty little strain whereas it very quickly sneaks up on you. The last time I smoked a straight Sativa, I rattle canned my white car black. This is much more less intense, thank god, cause right now I have a purple PT Cruiser which I happen to like very much. With this strain I don't feel the need to repaint my car, but am sketching out mural ideas along with pinstriping patterns. ;D I give it a solid 4.053 on a 1-5 scale. As the dispensaries sell this stuff bone desert dry (which bud ashes instantly), and I like mine with a bit of moisture (everything is better when wet), harshness and taste/flavor account for most of the depreciated ranking It is upbeat... Makes you want to socialize... Mingle... Intermingle.... And overall, puts a definite pep in your step.