
member since 2023

Recent Reviews2 total

Trop Cherry

This is probably in my top three favorites. I could smoke this morning, afternoon, or early evening. I have no problem getting things done while smoking this or just sitting and relaxing. It's a very mellow high (at least for me) I can sit and binge TV or hang with a bunch of friends. It's really versatile. It's not a heavy high, if that makes sense. If you're a new to smoking, this will be perfect for you. I'm sorta new. I started about a year ago for stress, anxiety, a neuromuscular disease, among other things. I walked the road of narcotics for the issues, and that was the worst two years of my life. Decided to give weed a try. It's still a process, finding what works for what. Now, I'm dealing with Meniere's disease. Dizziness, nausea and constant ringing in my ears. So, I'm working that in now. So far, so good. Back this strain, love it. Would recommend it to anyone. It helps me relax, which helps with so many of my issues. I give trop cherry 9.5/10

Peach Cobbler

So, I'm pretty much a newbie at this. My brother used to buy my stuff for me, he knows what I like. This was one of the carts I bought on my first solo trip to the dispensary. I hit a home run with it. My biggest concern is being paranoid. There wasn't even a hint. I felt buzzy all over, almost weightless. My mind was clear, I had no trouble reading and understanding things. Funny things were super funny. Weirdly, I also felt like I was in my own little bubble, if that makes sense. Those feelings last quite a while, then the sleepiness hits. I have never slept so well. I have a chronic pain condition, RSD, bad arthritis/joint problems, so sleeping is a luxury. When you get sleepy you cannot fight it. My head hits the pillow and that's all I remember. I get a good 5-6 solid hours. Doesn't take long for the high to hit you. I got two more carts and edibles on that trip. I did well with all. :) Since then, I've done a lot of reading, especially comments and have learned so much. Reading the comments on different sites, this seems like a very cool community.