
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total

Curaleaf - Phoenix Airport

So I do really like this place they have great deals. I encountered the problem of everything being legal. It does not matter if you are Med or rec you have to wait in the same line. Hopefully they don't sell out to the Rec users by the time you finally make It inside an hour later. Probably going to find a dispo that has separate lines for rec and med users. I mean come on even Colorado has been doing It like that. It shows you guys never cared about the medical aspect of It and just the money aspect. I never mind spending money here but not if I am in the same line of every joe shmow that wants weed in the valley when there are med users that have been coming here for quite sometime and have invested a lot of support and money into you guys. I would like to one day see that taken care of so medical users are not stuck in a line behind recreational users.