Nevada Made Marijuana - Las Vegas
1st time and LAST time. BAIT AND SWITCH JOINT, Ordered 20 joints that were testing at 28-31% (3 different strains) of the 10 that were supposed to be the 31% I got 4 at 31% and then 6 with a similar name at "21%". The 5 I ordered that were supposed to be 28% were switched again with a similar strain name but only testing at 18%. The other 5 ordered listed the wrong percentage online by 5%. Sad that I can't count on the ability of grown adults to fill an order properly but we are potheads so shame on me for not putting each joint I bought under a microscope. If you go check not only the name but the % before you pay but for me, it is a PUFF PUFF PASS on getting my treats from NEVADA MADE.