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These large marshmallow nuggets are a rare strain of their own. with a high CBD and relatively lower THC content you are able to kill two birds with one stone - Pun intended. Great strain for medical patients or newbies looking for pain relief with out any negative side effects. The high is very mild making it ideal for day use. This is perhaps one of the most interesting body highs I have experienced. On every occasion that I consumed this ( I had 1/4 oz ) it made me feel as if I became the Michelin Man, inflated and surrounded by cushy puffy pillowy marshmallows. Despite feeling this way it simultaneously seemed to reduce inflammation while making my body feel relaxed and at ease. Good strain to consider having on hand or in constant rotation every few months. One of the other major benefits of this strain is that you can mix it to other strains to add this CBD effect to other THC mixes etc. Overall I was pleasantly surprised and impressed.

Space Queen

Excellent strain for novice or experienced users. I was spinning into a migraine and smoking an entire joint of Space Queen completely stopped my pain and made it so I could relax and enjoy my evening. I picked up this strain because of it's mix of phenotypes. Romulan in the past has helped stop migraine pain for me as well and I had heard great things about Cinderella 99. This being a mix of those two strains sounded like a potential dynamite combination for pain management while still being able to function. I was on vacation so a pre-roll was my only method of use. It was harvested 6.14.17 and I purchased it the first week of August. This pre-roll was roughly 6 weeks old and well... a pre-roll so it's not going to be the best bud, yet it was very smooth going down. Initial feelings presented themselves as a headband effect with a buzzy tingling that goes from the top of your crown and all the way down your brainstem into the small of your back. Makes it easy to be social and engage in fun activities of all sorts. Uplifting happy qualities, great for day use, would absolutely get again.

White Berry

White Berry has the ability to hit hard and be very effective. This is one of the most intense body highs I have experienced from any strain that I have tried, but it's quite enjoyable. Your libido will surge into overdrive and you will crave sex. In large doses it can leave you feeling a bit dizzy but besides that all other attributes are positive. Less is more when it comes to consumption. You can always vape or ingest more, but start small. This strain is wonderful at knocking out pain for headaches and migraine. White berry has a very strong lime and black pepper flavor with hints of rose. It's a smooth easy smoke or vape and the euphoric effects are a nice escape for those who suffer from chronic pain. This is a strain I could see cultivating for myself, as it is similar in effect to blue dream, which happens to be one of my staples. I would recommend this strain to others.


This is one of the smoothest flowers I have smoked and vaped both. Flavorful and complex the flavors linger on your tongue quite nicely. Romulan sure is a tasty strain for sure. For newbies this will hit very hard and relax you on the couch or put you to sleep. At least that is what I have witnessed from inexperienced users testing this strain out for the first time. For the more regular users such as myself, It definitely has a heavy cerebral effect that relaxes you, revs your libido, and kind of makes you disappear from the world for an hour or two. The body high is incredible and can almost feel like total body orgasm. For some this can feel like anxiety instead so be careful. This is a great way to end a long day of stress, or to help battle chronic pain. My experience is that it was not very effective at relieving headache and pain, which is my primary need, but was very good at taking away nassau and dizziness. Overall this is a very nice strain and definitely worth trying.

Alaskan Thunder Fuck

This is an interesting strain. Interesting flavor profile as well, tasting like maple breakfast sausage, and kind of earthy at the same time. The person that grows this uses nectar of the Gods as her nutes and perhaps that is some of the reason for the sweeter taste. My personal experience with ATF over the course of a week was a roller coaster ride. Every time I would initially smoke this I would feel great. My shoulders would relax, headaches would go away, and I felt like I just wanted to curl up in a blanket and go to sleep. That was then followed by massive anxiety and the feeling of a hangover, kind of nauseous and a dull headache. I thought the first time that perhaps this just hit a little harder, and maybe I got too much, which is hard for me to do anymore. I would try this out again every day for 6 days, and it was the same experience every time. This strain personally didn't work well for me. My friend thinks it is amazing and is glad that she grew it. This isn't a strain I would select for my personal shelf.

Sour Diesel

This has been my favorite sativa that I have tried. I'm not a fan of the flavor profile, as it glides past your tongue leaving an artificial vanilla plastic taste. There are hints of diesel that remind me of the old grain trucks from my days farming on the Palouse. Despite my little enthusiasm for the flavor, the benefits of this strain are amazing. This strain was new to me and I tested it out for an entire week to fully experience it's effects. Once as a first time try and then to document how it affected me after successive sessions. 1. The other sativas I have tried have done little to combat pain, and mostly just provided some sort of mood elevation to varying degrees. This is the first Sativa I have experienced that really works on your pain and gives you energy and increased joy. I used this at work and all of my clients and coworker were laughing thinking I was the funniest person ever. Let me just say, despite all the stresses and medical issues I have going on in my life right now, this strain made it possible for me to fully enjoy an entire week of my life. I was so happy you could tell it was infectious to everyone around me. I played outside with my daughters a lot, I was singing all over the house. I found myself being so happy and grateful for everything I have in my life, and completely content. For the first time in my life I think I know what pure joy felt like. That is how this strain made me feel. 2. This strain helped me beat back frequent nausea, and daily headaches and migraines. I was able to enjoy outdoor activities, being active, and it completely curbed all depression and stress. 3. The only negative I have for this strain is that you are so busy enjoying life that sometimes you can lose track of time. I was having really great conversation with my clients and it was easy to fall behind on appointment times if I wasn't focusing super hard at running on time. That being said, my work was turning out amazing and everyone left feeling extremely happy. I definitely was able to be very creative under the influence of this medicine. When I have the opportunity I will definitely put more of this strain on my shelf.

Blue Train

This is a very sweet and floral bud. It provides a very smooth vape. It hits you right upfront, making you feel like you have drunk 2 or 3 glasses of wine. That effect transitions into a warmth that surges up from your core and out through your throat. This body high is a warm and cozy feeling. This strain provides for a beautiful relaxation effect making areas of muscle tension fade away. You will definitely experience dry mouth and crave ice cold water/drinks. After about 15 minutes there is a nice cerebral floating effect that goes with this strain followed by a body high that lodges inside your libido making you crave sex. The arousal comes on strong! Grab your lover and get on it! Overall this strain is great for chilling by a fire or having sex, or even better both of those at the same time. Medically this strain has helped with migraines and the nausea that comes with that. It is also great at curbing anxiety. I would also say that this strain provides elevated mood levels, almost like an endorphin rush that makes your overall mood feel happy. I am impressed with this strain and would enjoy having some of this on hand all the time.

Cotton Candy

First, the flavor profile really does taste like cotton candy. It is very sweet and at times almost syrupy. I think of this strain as a good dessert bud, not only for the taste but it pairs nicely with a glass of red wine and chocolate. Secondly, there is a nice mixture of head high and upper body high that travels between these two regions. At times there will be sinus pressure that presents itself intermittently, but it's not too bad. I find that this strain provides a state of contentment and gratitude for all the good things in your life. I have liked using this strain towards the end of a day. It is a good one to help relax the mind and body. Overall it's pretty mild in it's effects. Not something I would purchase again, but I think this could be good as a beginner strain for someone new to medicating. Be good to your body, and get or grow organic when you can.


I like to write my reviews when I am under the effects of the certain strain I have chosen to critique. I scored some freshly cured GSC from a grower I know, and every time I have used it, intending to write a review, I simply couldn't find the motivation. Even now, it is taking a strong force of will to focus on this task. Perhaps that's because writing involves thinking, and when I have used GSC the cerebral effects definitely make you check out of life for moments at a time. This strain can cause banding of the head or numbness of the lips but it's not severe and nothing to worry about. You definitely won't be learning anything new. It's almost as if you are removed from your body and hovering outside of it. You certainly can be very introspective as well from the effects, but it seems to help you not care about the daily stresses, and allow you to move forward in a calm and logical manner. It's a good strain for me every now and then, but definitely not my fave as you just want to chill all day when using it, but without any creative benefits. As far as pain goes, it doesn't take the pain away necessarily but instead helps you remove yourself from it. Late onset munchies are a definite side effect.

Super Skunk

I am liking the Super Skunk. Overall it is impressive. I was able to get some massive vape hits using my Pax on the highest setting. It gives you a nice cerebral head high with a mellow body stone. Food tastes extra amazing, and sex is extra incredible. Super Skunk's effects are pretty long lasting. A feeling of contentment washes over you and the stresses on your mind melt away. Medically it's good at taking away pain and headaches, allowing you to still function and participate in a backyard barbecue with friends. This is also a good candidate to use before working out to help your mind and body relax as you prepare to hit it hard at home or while going for a run outside. I have also found this to be helpful in treating anxiety. As the effects start to wear off I have found that it almost leaves you in a somewhat melancholy state. Perhaps it's because you feel so chill. In high doses it feels like it rests in your brainstem and makes your reflexes slower. This is not a good one to use before studying or learning something new as your mind will occasionally wander or space out. In high doses it will also be obvious to others that you have medicated yourself. Use it responsibly and you will enjoy it. I would use this strain again.