These large marshmallow nuggets are a rare strain of their own. with a high CBD and relatively lower THC content you are able to kill two birds with one stone - Pun intended. Great strain for medical patients or newbies looking for pain relief with out any negative side effects. The high is very mild making it ideal for day use. This is perhaps one of the most interesting body highs I have experienced. On every occasion that I consumed this ( I had 1/4 oz ) it made me feel as if I became the Michelin Man, inflated and surrounded by cushy puffy pillowy marshmallows. Despite feeling this way it simultaneously seemed to reduce inflammation while making my body feel relaxed and at ease. Good strain to consider having on hand or in constant rotation every few months. One of the other major benefits of this strain is that you can mix it to other strains to add this CBD effect to other THC mixes etc. Overall I was pleasantly surprised and impressed.