First things first: this strain WILL get you high. It is mild-ish, it is definitely more of a body high... but it 100% will get you high.
Id been curious about ACDC for a long-time... I have some THC sensitivity and do better with less potent THC strains like Blackberry web, Harlequin, etc. ACDC's reputation had really piqued my curiosity so when I saw it hit Chicago's MOCA Dispensary I jumped on it.
Was surprised at just how low the THC percentage was--almost exactly 1%. And was curious to know if a CBD strain really has any meaningful impact. IT DOES.
This is definitely a strong body high--very very pleasant physical sensation... euphoria, etc. I think the medicinal effects are solid... and there is not too much head high/stoniness... but it is definitely there.
Most noticeable thing: it WEARS OFF QUICKLY.
Vaped flower with my PAX 3 and will mention it is a little stinky--not for those looking for interesting flavors while smoking.
I really like this for a weekend wake and bake to start the day without much impairment.
Solid for folks with THC tolerance issues or who just want a light body high.
It is really really nice stuff.