member since 2018Recent Reviews5 total
9 lb Hammer
I got this in a cartridge to help me sleep. I don't remember it being great or awful the first couple times, but I did sleep. However, I took this camping with me to ensure I got some rest. HA! I was awake as all hell. Thanks goodness I had cell service at this campground so I could wander around on the internet until 3 prettycoldbutnotfreezing am. I almost thought I had switched this with an indica cartridge (but they were different brands, one was a .5 and one was 1 , so I definitely hadn't).
*Also, for future reference, this is the one that hit your buddy like a helicopter.
Super Lemon Haze
didn't love this one. (might be worth another try)
This time around, the select oil vape cartridge just made me sneeze when i inhaled. I never got any kick or dance.