
member since 2019

Recent Reviews9 total

Gary Payton

I'm not often impressed with strains to the degree I am with Gary Payton. I'm a veteran smoker; I've medicated for almost 20 years. I've microdosed dab at least six times a day for the last two years. The first hit made me relax after a long day. The second made me dance to the song in my head as if it were playing out loud. The final hit made me tingly, which equals arousal for me. My anxiety and ADHD-related racing thoughts are GONE. My psych meds can't do that. I have energy but not to the point I'll get stuck in a mental feedback loop of things I need to do. My chronic pain is almost gone. I'm hungry but I don't have heavy munchies. It's the closest to feeling buzzed like I've been drinking alcohol I've ever felt from a strain. 100 out of 10. New favorite strain.

Lisbon Cannabis Company

This is one of my favorite dispensaries. The selections, services, and prices always meet my needs. The staff is always friendly, even during busy times. I appreciate I get points with every purchase and that there's a different deal every day. My only suggestion is to tweak Saturday's deal. Instead of 5% off each concentrate purchase, $5 off each one would be much more helpful. Personally, it would mean having more money in my budget to get more medicine during the month.

Mr. Clean

This is It, the One, the strain I have been searching for for years but didn't know it. My main purposes for medicinal marijuana use are chronic pain, depression, ADD (helps focus and motivation), anxiety, and spark creativity. With Mr. Clean I can clean, paint, see friends, and run errands without anxiety, overthinking, or racing thoughts. I also don't get couch-locked. I don't need a lot of Mr. Clean either. I have a hard time getting medicated enough to get out of my own way - to do the things I need and want to do; I come close, but it's never been this perfect. If you struggle with getting "everyday" things done, if it feels like you need to do everything on your to-do list all at once, if your thoughts are making you feel physically paralyzed, try this strain; it might be the strain you've needed all along.

Rocky Dennis

Life saving! I’m convinced this is the reason I’m able to get out of my own way. This strain lets me get out of my head. I can actually be productive shortly after waking up instead of thinking about starting my day for the first two hours (at least). I only need a bowl to get the effects I need. I have energy but not like I had too much caffeine.

Durban Poison

“Yeeeessss!!!!” was my first response after re-trying Durban Poison a few days ago. I tried it about five years ago and remember liking it. I feel like I took my ADD med, a stimulant. I’m focused, my thoughts have slowed down, I’m relaxed to the point of almost being sleepy, clear headed, and like I can actually do things without being overwhelmed. The idea of running errands and other things I need to do seem possible. I feel as if I could actually do something creative, like paint, without getting in my own way. For at least two weeks, I’ve setup my painting supplies only to get overwhelmed. This is fantastic for tendinitis pain too. I can still feel my elbow and wrist pain but it’s far more manageable. I’m not sure how long the high lasts as I’ve fallen asleep shortly afterwards. However, I’m assuming it lasts for at least two hours. I’m going back to the dispensary for more!


I was nervous to try this strain after I read the reviews on here. However, I have no idea what other reviewers are talking about because I feel amazing! It makes overwhelming tasks possible. I got this as a free pre-roll otherwise I wouldn't have tried it since I don't like either strain Orangeade is comprised of. Tangie is too cerebral and Purple Punch isn't heavy enough of an indica. I'm happy I tried it because this is now my favorite day-time strain. I have no idea how two strains I don't care for make such effective medicine. After I was done with the pre-roll, I went back to buy a quarter. Besides that pre-roll, I dry herb vape. I only need a bowl to get where I need to be to start or continue my day. I live with chronic muscle\joint pain, ADD, depression, and anxiety, and Orangeade helps with all of them immensely. I'm clear-headed but relaxed enough to have a productive and satisfying day. My thoughts have slowed way down but I don't feel spacey. This is the ultimate day-time hybrid for me. I'm not too in my head like so many Sativa and Sativa hybrids make me. I'm not too relaxed that I'm couch locked but my pain is almost gone. My tendonitis went from a six to a two. I can tell this could be a good nighttime strain as well. I can see being ready for bed after three bowls. The more I smoke the slower my thoughts become and the more relaxed my body feels. Orangeade is a creeper! It would be best if you were to go slow when medicating, especially before you get a feel for the strain. Happy (and safe) medicating!

Juicy Fruit

I feel like everything is going to be okay thanks to Juicy Fruit. For pain, this feels like opiates: you can still feel the pain, but you don't care, so you feel a bit better. I also want to paint, which I haven't done in days.

Humboldt Sour Diesel

I tried this strain in a vape, not bud. That being said: I was reluctant to try HSK because it has a form of Headband in it, which makes me too focused and I get the expected unpleasant headband feeling. However, HSK is perfect! I’m capable of being productive without feeling overwhelmed, which is nearly impossible for me most of the time. My chronic pain is almost nonexistent. I’m happy!! I finally feel happy instead of almost attaining it. That’s something I’ve struggled with for way too long. I finally feel like how I always want to feel. Highly recommended for anxiety, pain, and depression. I’m so happy I bought two of these vapes!

Safety Meeting

I live with chronic anxiety, depression, and pain. Thanks to half a joint (quarter of a gram), the world feels like a gentler place, I’m able to go about my day better (it’s late afternoon right now), and for once I can’t feel the pain in my elbows, neck, and knee.