
member since 2012

Recent Reviews2 total

Clutch Cannabis - Seattle

Hands down the nicest, must beautiful store with great budtenders and deals with lots of high quality products. Only issue I have is that there is annoying older door man in the days who likes to pick on me by saying demeaning things to degrade me and make me feel like crap. I started ignoring him and his creepy remarks last time I saw him and then today I had to walk right out as he was messing with me again and kept calling me kiddo, so I left. I feel like he's overly interested in me when I come in and it creeps me out. I don't like being overly focused on and he makes me feel uncomfortable as I have panic attacks and anxiety. When I called to complain to the staff a minuet later, they defended him and said he's just old and treats everyone that way, but I know he's picking on me, as I became annoyed by him a few visits ago and wssn't very talkative with him as he always has to one up you and if you say have a good day, he has to say it back in a more enthusiastic way to compete and I'm sick of his condescension. I tried to be supper nice to him like I am with everyone, but he keeps giving me this older creepy vibe like he wants to toy with me and I've been hit on by lots of older creepy men, so he just vibes like one of those creeps and now he just seems to get excited when I come in the store and he likes to focus on me, so I lost it today and walked out!! Please get him out of there or I'll only come at night now. I'm surprised the girl I talked to defended him and wasn't more professional about my complaint, so I'm going to share this with all public review boards so others know how unprofessional the day staff can be and I'm upset that no one took my call-in complaint seriously, so I hope the management sees this and the others I'm going to post around to warn others of this annoying day time doorman who harassers me each time I come in!!!

Have a Heart - Skyway

The transformation they did in the space blew me away when they first opened and I've been frequenting this location almost twice a week the last three years!! I always receive impeccable service from all the staff, especially Nick!! He really has a happy attitude no matter what is going on, always listens/interpreters what the customer is looking for, offering amazingly warm and friendly service that makes you feel at home as if old time friends. His suggestions are always spot on making you feel great about your choices each visit. He has a way of uplifting all guests to aspire to be the best version of themselves, making each guest feel special and important! Moreover, the entire staff has proven to know their flower and won't let you down!!