Bananium #2
Type: Flower/smoked. Indica 28% thc/thca
Brand: PhG The Penn Heath Group
Effects: It works wonders. Balanced between body and mind. Strong effects. On my scale of 1-10 I give it an 9.5. Great for the hedonist in us all.
Took medicine at 3:00pm - The raw smell reminds me of a fresh batch of unripened bananas with a sweet finish. The buds are light green with red hairs but the colors are all washed out due to the amount of frosty THC covering them.
1st hit: The exhale is really nice, smooth and balanced, like exhaling banana pudding with a hint of fuel. It has a little bit of a linger in the back of the throat. The effects go straight to my head with a sledgehammer announcement that its has arrived.
15 min later-
2nd hit: again a pleasurable rush to the head immediately following the exhale. Feels like Im wearing a massage cap (whatever that would be) and I am still focused, for now, and my body aches are subsiding. Its giving me a feeling of confidence and melted away all anxiety. I'm cool after just taking two one hitters from the water pipe. And I am really feeling good, and that's no easy task.
4:00pm did one more hit to nail it in for good effect. It was not a wasted dose of mediciation. And I am still feeling focused and motivated. Physically it feels like it woke my sleepy heart up and I want to use this combo of motivation, confidence and physical relief to do things easy things I've been slacking on and other projects. Its basically enough of a reward to fix what needs fixing.
Now effects may be different after dark and sleepy time. I'll find out.
In short its goood medicine. Its an energizing Indica. Give it a try if you ever have the chance. Individual results may vary.
Be good, be safe.