
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total

Sunnyside Medical Cannabis Dispensary - Leicester

So I guess that I am not the only one who got ripped off at this place. I purchased four 3.5 grams of flower. When I got home I noticed that they looked liked they have different quantities in them, so I weighed them on my scale. The results were shocking to me. Two contained 2 grams each, one 2.5 grams, and one with 3.4. All were short!! I paid for 14 grams and received 9.9 grams. Thats more then one quarter of the total amount LESS then I paid for. I sent them an email explaining exactly like I did in this review and it’s days gone by with no response. I was hoping for some sort of an explanation but NOTHING! Well now I’m posting this review and next I’m reporting them to the State Licensing Board. You guys skimming at the facility know who you are. I hope you get your greedy asses fired!!!! If I ever go back there, I am definitely bringing a scale with me.