
member since 2017

Recent Reviews4 total

Master Kush

This is simple... before bed. Unless you wanna use a quarter of what you're used to. Then daytime. Otherwise... nighty night. Sweet dreams. You'll feel like you have the most comfortable bed in the world..

Lemon Diesel

This stuff is good... but it's sativa dominant. If you suffer from anxiety start slow... small amounts. I like it but I had to use a lot less than I normal do. Good for a "binge clean your house day". It's non stop go go go. Smells like lemons. Literally. I couldn't believe it when I opened the bag lol. Citrus. Lemon. Just weird compared to the skunk we are used to. Definately one of my morning day off kind of highs.

White Widow

This stuff is magic for me. I can't do sativa very well. Sends me to Outer Space Anxiety... But it's a hybrid. 80/20% indica dominent. Wow. What a relief from stress, anxiety, depression. The whole world is somehow a better place. Good for any time of day and I'm a light vaper. One thing I will say. Medical cannabis is ridiculous strong compared to whatever you get off the street. It's not a party drug. It's legit medicine. No need for anti depressants or anti anxiety meds. Vape and voila...

Lemon Sour Diesel

Just got this from Tilray. I know why it's $11/g. Try it you'll see lol. Insane lemon scent when opening the bag. Medical cannabis is insane compared to previous "brand X" starins I've been using. Wow wow wow. If your a light smoker like me. Go easy. I vaped about 5 or 6 pulls. Mellows out my ADHD. Just good vibes all around. I suffer from anxiety as well so I could see going a little too hard with this might send you into outer space. As I said before.. go easy first time if you're a light smoker... and thanks Tilray!