
member since 2014

Recent Reviews4 total

Durban Poison

This is very excellent medication if you suffer from Depression. It's also good if you are Bipolar, have PTSD or suffer from mild attacks of Schizophrenia. I also helps to relieve nervous Ticks like Hair Pulling. It has a stabilizing effect on the human mind and makes the human mind relax. It quiets the Subconscious Mind and soothes the emotions.

Space Queen

This strain of Marijuana has a definite "up" to it. That is an aspect that is missing to many of the Kush varieties. Somewhat like affect from the Marijuana strains from the High Lands of Vietnam. Many of the Kush strains have been bred to the point of being very good but all somewhat the same. This Marijuana still has some "snap" in it and its effect. Very good change of pace and very good marijuana.

Purple Med Healing Center

This dispensary is ok but there is one major problem; the bud tenders handle the medication with their Hands! They do Not use a tong or forceps to remove the medication from the storage jars. You don't need someones sweat, grim, perfume and filth transferred from someone's hands to a medication that you are going to take into your body. :( Even a household cook cleans his hands before cooking your meal and uses tools to handle your food. Handle the medication cleanly as far as I am concerned if I see this again I will Never return this dispensary again! Use tongs or forceps to handle medication!

Curaleaf Tucson Oracle

This dispensary grows its own product. What I notice as a former quality control engineer is that their product is NOT over trimmed. Many, many dispensaries over trim! Not this one...... By this I mean that the flowers are not trimmed to the point that all the medicinal crystals on the flowers are trimmed away. What I have noticed in Other dispensaries is that they trim to the point that they get the apple and you get the core. This firm is a 1st rate company and their flowers are first rate and they grow them themselves. There is no middle man, no excess handling to damage the flowers and and thus reduce the potency of their product. Try this dispensary as you will not be disappointed and the flowers they have are the top of the totem pole in quality.