
member since 2016

Recent Reviews7 total

Curaleaf - Phoenix Airport

without a doubt some of the longest wait times for any dispensary. Flower is garbage. everything else us average.

Kind Meds (AZ)

The guys are great for the most part. One of the new guys lied to my face so I stopped going in about 6 months ago. Store was simple, clean, and with a decent selection. Everything was a bit over priced but they always had the 5 for a hundred deal on carts and dabs. I guess that's over so I would not return.

Story Cannabis - North Chandler

they tell you about a new CDC "guidelines" nowhere else but in person so when your told the weight us at least a half as n hour and m iui st are vfc in thier cars. of it's that serious why not just take orders out to the patient. oh wait, not legal. either is what your doing denying patients access to medication. see any other Pharmacy's do that? No, of course not. I have spent thousands at each location, but the rudeness and nasty attitude assures they will not receive another penny ever.

Story Cannabis - South Chandler

the people up front will "mis-place" your i.d. for an hour. they when they find it. give you all sorts ou f nasty attitude and finally their out ih f bogost concentrate since 6 hours ago, just forgot to tell anyone! I'll never go to the south location anymore

Curaleaf - Gilbert

They are certainty better then the Emerald dispensary they replaced but only just. They place looks exactly the same inside and out as before, which is fine. The atmosphere is fine, no bells or whistles. Some basic chairs lined up in rows. Wait times are usually tolerable, but expect to wait for at least 5-10 minutes at least. Products aren't any cheaper then the area competition and the deals are usually what I like to refer to as, "Second Tier" . These are deals that won't have lines around the block but every few weeks you can get a discount worth talking about, otherwise ehhh. Prices normally are standard, not pricey but not cheap. This is the closet dispensary to my house, less then a mile, but I usually take the drive to one of the Oasis's. I will go here as a 2nd or 3rd option.

Harvest HOC - Tempe (Med/Rec)

Great if you want to get it and get out. Staff is of the old head variety, but think house wife turned business women, not hippie dead head. Prices are good, and you can always get right in, and right out! Quality is usually on par, but nothing to write home about. I used to buy a TON of the Dream Steam (made by Harvest) but the quality fell off drastically over the past 4 months, by this i mean the cartridges and their pens fail constantly. The staff will replace everything but it is still a pain driving over there to get an exchange.