Bubba Cheese Auto
I pick it up at least once anytime it comes around, usually pre-rolls. had whole flower this time and am tempted to buy it again but I also sort of like just having it from time to time...it's like a really good friend coming by for a visit. pretty consistent effects each time I've had it, but it's not making me hungry this time and that's fine. I'm very happy and relaxed, like a calm relaxed not sedating, and I can relax and chill or do things if I feel like. I usually get it for social use, but it's also really good for hyperfocusing on taking pictures of your pets when they look so adorable you need to squish them or else you'll melt if you don't...like I just annoyed my cat with too many pics. I'm finding it easy to return to tasks or what I was previously doing if I multitask without struggling to remember where I left off, so I feel like adhd is better off too...