
member since 2016

Recent Reviews35 total

Durban Princess

Fifty year old weed virgin here. I was fishing around in my supply closet for something different and what did I tripled over but a bottle of buds of DP. Probably over a year old. The exhale is what really captured me, a mild spiciness mixed with a little eucalyptus and something sweet. Floral? Like a flower on a fruit tree. The effect was immediate and to the head, a lift and sensation of forehead pressure, like a headache that doesn't hurt. A few minutes later a nice body buzz and an overall sense of well being. I liked it enough after one episode of Mr. Robot that I finished the Genius pipe bowl and watched another episode.

Cinderella 99

Fifty year old weed virgin here. This is a very specific review of Oregon Green Seed Satellite Cindy. Briefly, it proved easy to germinate once I learned how and no hassles in an outdoor grow. I grew two, they each expressed differently, one very sativa and the other much more indica hybrid. Harvest was first week of October. Ok, smoke report. Spice and berry inhale. As usual, I used a Raw roller 110 joint. I hit it four times. Within two minutes it was hitting. There was just a moment of perceived tachycardia followed by a mildly racy brain buzz. Then it melted into my eyes, or behind them. My breathing has become relaxed and myind peaceful. This is only fifteen minutes in. This, of four or five strains I've grown is by far the best and well worth the cost and effort.Ahhhhh, precious brainfire, nice. Just a gentle warm sensation in my mind. Not subtle though, strong and assertive. It's starting to work down my neck. I hope it eventually gives a good body buzz. Twenty-five minutes in, my mouth hasn't completely dried up and I'm just starting to get hungry. My mind is so blessed out. I'm in a happy headspace. I could nap or do chores, but I really just want to hold still and experience this with all my attention. Thirty minutes in and I believe this one effects libido as well, mildly at least.


Fifty year old weed virgin here. I hit a skinny Raw roller joint about five times. I noted a citrus note on exhale along with a light spicyness. The first effect was near immediate, a forehead frontal cortex buzz. Half an hour in, the buzz has moved to my eyes, lips, and then a decent body buzz. I think my pleasure center of my brain is being stimulated, I feel an overall sense of pleasure in my mind and body. This will make a good Chase mama around the couch strain.

Durban Poison

Fifty year old weed virgin here. This weed definitely hits directly to the head and face, kinda like Mike Tyson on his first date. I had about four hits of a 110 Raw-rolled joint. I felt it in my head by the fourth hit, letting me know it was time to stop and let it go to work. I had a few moments of rapid heartbeat and a racy mind, it's settled down into a sense of well-being and a gentle head buzz, especially my gums, mouth, lips and around my eyes. Also a gentle pressure to my forehead.

Death Star

Fifty year old weed virgin here. DS first impressions: lovely smelling flower, even better when grinding. My bud was a little more moist than most I buy. Smoke was very smooth and thick white. Burned fairly well so it wasn't too damp. First effect, a little narcotic-feeling in the head, a tad wobbly. Next, a gentle body buzz and thirty minutes in, a. hint of arousal. A light and gentle euphoria. The munchies are weak in this one. I feel like I will sleep well.

Critical Cure

Fifty year old weed virgin here. This is review of my very own first homegrown from a cutting gifted to me by a generous friend. Last fall's harvest, a backyard grow. I took four good hits from a stubby Mrs. Mule had not finished. The extra heat did affect the flavor but the kush spice was obvious. I thought a little taste of fuel as well. I felt it in my head first as a gentle cloudiness, very unobtrusive.Twenty minutes in there is a gentle light body buzz and a relaxed mind to match. I don't feel sleepy but feel like sleeping will come easy once I close my eyes. There is also a mild sense that if Mrs. Mule dropped back by the boudoir that would be just fine. Overall not a bad smoke at all. I'm not dosed up out of my mind, I feel fairly functional. This makes a good utility weed, though I'm still partial to C99 as my go-to happy time smoke, or White Widow.


Fifty year old weed virgin here. First run with GSC.. I took three good hits from a packed skinny Raw Roller joint. Stoked easy but I didn't like the taste much at all. First effect was a little muddy mind. Then a mild body buzz that eventually became moderate. I was chatty and jokey with Mrs. Mule, then frisky. Afterwards I took three more hits as the effects were waning. I went four outa five because it's a nice workable high but I don't find it to be standout or memorable. I do see how folks who need to smoke daily might like it's utility. And also, this batch was six bucks a gram probably for it's THC level of thirteen percent. That surely accounts for it's Walter Mitty performance.

Mendocino Purps

Fifty year old weed virgin here. First try. Trying to be. more cautious, I took two puffs and waited a half hour. All I noticed was an overall slightly stupid feeling. Not in a bad way, just mentally a tad slower and physically a little unbalanced. Back to the garage for four more good hits. Another half hour or so and the euphoria and munchies are here and my vision is doing something a little off. Some arousal as well. Not a bad strain so far. I will be asleep before I get to ride this one all the way out. The body buzz is nowhere near as strong as White Widow. More like NYPD.


Fifty year old weed virgin here. My wife and I solved some Jilly last night with mixed results. She got giggly then later she was k.o.. I got so high I felt like my body would go through the roof, followed by a too intense euphoria that also had me ready to go. This morphed into a brief anxiety attack, then increasing nausea that almost but did not consumable. It did leave me sleeping on the bathroom floor. Yup, how sweet, my. very first greenout. So why five stars? Because I did not respect the new batch and go in slow. I do now remember that when I had Jilly before it had been fine but a little too much in my head and not enough body to make me bump it up to the starting lineup.

Pie Face

Fifty year old weed virgin again. As an addendum to my prior review, I tried this strain again and this time ended up eating the planet. Some blogs are saying this is a "skinny weed". Well, maybe. This time, not so much. I think it was worth at least an extra 1000 calories intake. If that matters to you, this strain is a hit/miss. You might try Double Dream, I just had that this morning before my bedtime (daysleeper) and had zero munchies.