
member since 2018

Recent Reviews3 total


This has become my absolute favorite strain ever. I just simply feel good when I smoke this. I suffer from severe PTSD with the accompanying depression and anxiety, which tends to keep me from being social. With Jilly Bean I simply feel human again and more positive and upbeat. My husband loves it as it seems to be an aphrodisiac for me. Our only regret is that we only bought a half ounce at THCU in Trinidad, CO last month and now it seems you cannot get it anywhere. Maybe Aurora? But that is a 6 hour drive for.....but may be well worth it. If you run across Jilly Bean get it as you might not ever find it again. This strain was made for women and the woman who made it should be sainted! God bless Jill! Hon, you are a superstar in our book! Keep at it!

White Fire OG

Having a fairly high tolerance I hit this for the first time like the old timer I am with weed; forgetting I need to be careful with some sativas. I have severe PTSD and this completely messed me up in only two hits. For the first time ever I truly experienced paranoia that I have heard others mention with some strains, and the accompanying depression. First time I have ever rated a strain one star and this is based on my personal experience. Can't imagine what it would do to a novice toker.


This stuff is amazing. For my dom it is like viagra and kept him going all night long and the next morning. I must say it gave the lady bits a bit of a buzz, too. Of all the strains we use, and this one is new to us, got it at THCU in Trinidad, never had one that was so excellent for sex and BDSM play.