
member since 2018

Recent Reviews2 total

Lemon OG

So clearly, I'm gonna to have some bias here... after all, Lemon OG Kush was the door that opened my world to Cannabis! After a little apprehension, I inhaled with full vigor... 1st Pull- "smooth." (Not even a cough) 2nd pull- "smooth and warm" (I must not be doing it right. Everyone coughs their brains out the first time they smoke. ) 3rd Pull- THERE IT IS, HOLY Bronchospasm BRO!!! The buzz started similar to what I felt after a few drinks, but that's where the similarities ended! Within 10 mins, I discovered my hands for the first time! After 20 mins, I discovered... well, ME! Wearing my glasses put everything in slow motion, and I could feel the miniature hands massaging every inch of my skin... and I loved every minute of it! Pure euphoria! Each time after was slightly different, but the Lemon OG Kush had a very consistent onset and duration (2.5-3.5 hours). I'm not experienced enough to taste the lemon or spiciness or any of that. It all just tastes like smoke right now. But this strain was very enjoyable for a first timer!


Ok, I'm a relatively new smoker, so take that into consideration when reading this post... It's probably not a good idea to smoke anything named after a catastrophe for the 2nd strain you've ever tried (That was my bad). I tried trainwreck twice. The first time it donkey kicked me in the chest, singed my torso follicles, riddled me with famine, and put me to bed... all in the span of 15 mins! (...4 hours later) I awoke with a full head buzz and a desire to consume things that have been in my pantry since I moved in 3 years ago. After the first "Train Ride" I figured it was safe to give it another go about a week later (This was Saturday)... I wouldn't feel safe for the next 2 days... The buzz this time was IMMEDIATE! I barely had time to put away my water pipe, before the "Train left the Station" ....destination: THE SUNKEN PLACE! That's the only way to really describe the next 3 hours. Straight out of the Movie "Get Out", I proceeded to get nauseous, and retract into my own body (minus the tea stirring spoon). It was as if time stood still. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes like hours! I could see my life happening in front of me, but I was simply a spectator. Everything I wanted to do took extreme effort and concentration. After riding in the car with my Wifey, we came home after about 45 (which felt like 45 hours), and I laid down for about 2 hours. Though I felt a little better, the nausea was still noticeable, but I was able to eat. I woke up Sunday a little sluggish, with nausea, but still a little better. What really suprised me was I still felt high on Monday, 2 days later! Lesson Learned: Don't expect something called "TrainWreck" to feature Thomas the Tank Engine... be prepared for Ozzie Osborne's "Crazy Train!"