
member since 2015

Recent Reviews4 total

Green Poison

Hi to the people who run this site, you are all wrong with telling my stoner ass that Green poison is not available in my area, you can not possibly know that shit man eh unless you can see inside my head...oh god. Ok first of all this is a pleasant high that wastes no time in traveling straight to your head, giving you an intense head float that lets your ears ring with glee, the high of green poison says in the middle of ones noggin and almost seems to shift every now and then to one side of the back of your eye ball to the other side, giving you a pleasant tingling, this is defiantly a strain that someone can enjoy taking a walk in the park with the dog on it sparks creativity that comes in spurts, if you like working on projects or hobbies with your hands, then this is your weed, like to draw? shit go for it, and hell do that masterpiece in watter color fuck it. like working on cars? then fix that piece of crap the wife is sick of looking at it for fucks sake it just sits in the goddamn driveway looking like shit. this weed will be your helping hand in your creative undertakings. The taste is a power packed floral high notes accompanied by citrus tang that hovers on the tip of your lips and gums (its great honest) and good for those who wish to dive a little deeper in the THC pool this being a 20%thc 0.9% cbd 0.4 cbn. also I'm warning you this girl will make you grin,smirk,laugh and giggle at random sometimes. people who's children are usually loud annoying hobgoblin spawn are akin to a playing monkey that you are laughing at (it builds character so lets not judge OK ) suddenly the annoying chirping birds are singing sweet songs about life and shit. this weed is an uplifter and opens up your creativity but I can not say a lot for pain, this is more for the blues. want to enjoy a day with an open mind and a case of the giggles that will guide you in creative endeavors? Then please by all means, spark up a bowl of Green poison.

Jack Herer

I personalty love J.H its a on the the go head high, that will not get you so stoned that you can not walk and talk and remember to feed the dog (dogs like food y'all did ya know that? well shit son now you do) its a citrus meets tea leaf (light tea think pear tea or white tea.do not know what that shit is? well go take your happy ass to the nearest grocery store and buy some ya primitive) Jack here has never made me feel sleepy or so high that I could not function I can write and read,do math, study push buttons on my keyboard point and laugh at small children,with no ADD inspired concentration breakdowns that our good friend THC is known to cause.(please do not bullshit the rest of us and say, I can function just fine on weed it does not effect me at all. you sir and or madame are full of shit and we all know it thank you) Jack Here is strong but not over powering its high is present but it will not take you down the rabbet hole.Pare this with a pleasant tea leaf meets fresh earth sent and heavy but not thick as a fucking brick smoke with a fresh from the soil earthly floral smell and you have a great things I gotta do around town weed strain that will not crash you out.

Cherry Pie

This is a godlike strain It commands you it pulls you in and states the rules. realty is going to be borderline nonexistent for at least the next hour and some change. you will be able to walk and talk laugh and even hop skip and dance if you so wish but do not even think of complex tasks like, reading...like reading books for adults fuck that noise son think you are more powerful than cherry pie? go ahead try and do a math problem over the 4th grade mathematical curricular and you will be greeted with A thousand ranting fragmented thoughts at levels so distracting that mutherfuckers with ADD will be like wow hollyshit I have to problems at all look at that poor fuck. OK now that you have learned your lesson feel free to go on a nature walk, I'm sativa I make you giggle creative...stoner creative but creative never the less. you will come of love watter coloring and things that bounce. also you just might get horny so ya know have someone who likes to smoke a bowl and do the baby making jig with you oh..right also make sure they like doing the baby making jig particularly with you. like the smell of cherry's dancing with mixed nuts (unsalted of course) accompanied by sweet notes of flower leaves? do not know what the fuck I'm talking about? then fire up a bowl and find out and brace your little noggin for one of the most taste giving strains in the herbal kingdom. be greeted by a quick sweet kick paired with deep wide bodied floral notes that taste like orange herbal tea after a strong steep. with a interweaving flavor of cherry's and grannies spice rack (get your mind out of the gutter I know how that sounded funny yes but spice rack was used in a literal manner and you fucking know it) So there be the basic outline of the dame known as cherry pie (I know I was talking about gods or some shit, but I got distracted so now its this OK? ) So if you like going about town in a stony haze and have nothing overtly important to attend to then give this awesome giggle inducing (sometimes sexy fun time feeling) lets go see a Imax film...in 3d! inspiring weed A try.

White Lotus

I got some of this delightful yet heavy strain for the first time today and Christ this not for amateurs, lightweights will find themselves knocked out before they are even done exhaling the fragrant earthy smelling smoke with its hints of citrus that flow along the dank grin inducing pungent aroma. The full effects of this powerful stains property's do not come on until about 10 to 15 min after smoking, this is what we used to call creeper weed and I missed the creeper weed high. A lot of stains, seem to go for the pow! factor instant high as fuck. but I remember white widow ahhh yes one of the foremothers of creeper weed, It seemed to have vanished at least around my area being crossed into dozens of other strains (mostly sativa for a more powerful high and the end result having been replaced with the more turbo charged sativa strains. I loved the heavy time slowing high that would wash over me like a fuzzy wave blanket that white widow would provide and missed it much. But white lotus, has reunited me with that feeling only about 5 times more potent. At first you are greeted with a pleasant head buzz that will feel kind of like cotton candy is being made in your head while your favored song is being played by an orchestra of humming pixies and you find that you like this version of your favored song way better. Then the high gets deeper and clocks seem to slow down the clouds in the sky feel like they are stopping to take in the view and a feeling like a bunch of hopping bunny's who's feet are made of butter and 100% joy are bounding in unison up and down your arms and legs kicks in. Now you are in the full embrace of the white lotuses spell and it is a wonderful spell that calms your mind and gives you ample bonding with your favored pillow or pillows. A great smoke for the experienced pot head that will lead you into a deep THC fulled sleep. complete with pleasant dreams.