I'm not sure what it is about the purple strain series (Purple Kush, purple trainwreck) but I never seem to get a good high. I'll get stoned but I can't recall ever feeling good with that stone. just seems like it only makes me dizzy. 4* for potency
Lamb's bread is a hilarious love letter in the weed universe, given it's a full on sativa that brings me energy, GREAT peace with the world, yet is also keeping me couch locked at this moment.
Is she potent? Oh boy, they're a 9.3 outta 10! I don't have much of a tolerance but a half bowl of weed is enough to get me to really contemplate another hit, the *too* high one. Clean smoke too, very smooth even after storing my weed for three months (with hydration and sealed container). Try a gram, and wish you'd bought the bag.
Service was actually very pleasant. I don't expect the staff to know everything but their knowledge was a little bit lacking on general herbs. BUT! The supervisor on shift educated me a good bit on CBD and that it can take a month to get the full effects, and they had a nice sativa spray that I think is based off Jack.
No disrespect to the strain, just doesn't seem to give me a good buzz. Mostly a mental high, but doesn't seem to give me the relaxation that most strains do. Potent though.
The first weed that taught me of it's medical effects. This was the strain that cured my anxiety and got me to eat in times of stress so high I couldn't for two weeks. I had a couple different strains here and there but this was something new. very relaxing and great for chasing away those pesky negative thoughts. Strong, smooth flavor, perfect choice to help someone with mental struggles. Go easy, she's a creeper!
Damn! Think I found a new star! relaxing, more intoxicating version of kosher kush i find with a great bone deep euphoria. more energy than i was expecting from an indica! oh and they're so right about the taste, it's like a sweet pine. fantastic stuff!