
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total

Curaleaf - Phoenix Airport

I normally don’t write reviews , but after one of the worst experiences of customer service and security I have ever had today , I feel it necessary to talk about something that happened to me. I made an online order at your dispensary and went to go pick it up as normal. I expected lines as I understand the absolute necessity for social distancing during these times . I waited in line for 30 minutes which was perfectly okay with me. However when I made it into the dispensary, the security guard who let me in, said that the guy in line behind me ( I am sure you have cameras that can back me up on this ) said that he was next and not me. I told the security guard that was not true , the guy who was wearing yellow shirt and shorts was behind me in line . The security guard said word for word “ that’s what I thought”. That was fine . I was kind of annoyed but no big deal right ? The guy then comes in next and proceeds to verbally abuse me , and not one person or security personnel gave me any help or any sense that I was safe. I didn’t to anything wrong . I proceeded to then have an anxiety attack right there on the spot and couldn’t even remember what I was there for. I won’t be going back again. Your JOB is to keep your customers safe and judging by today’s events you are clearly not doing that . I regularly shop here but I will never come back again. I am absolutely disgusted by how I as a paying customer was left alone to deal with an aggressive person who can’t wait in line for his turn like everyone else.