
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total

Remedy - Columbia

So apparently in this time of crisis, people are saying some harsh things about Remedy. Well as a longtime customer there first I want to thank the owners for staying open and more importantly the EMPLOYEES, who are risking there own health and well being, just coming to work and helping there customers. Let's also not forget and use common sense these EMPLOYEES all had to learn a completely new routine as to how they dispense the medication to how there receiving patients orders. Honestly I miss not being able to go in not for deals, coffee or there comfortable waiting chairs but because there amazing STAFF and AWESOME environment. P.S. just incase you've been miss informed Remedy's prices have all dropped on a daily basis throughout this crisis other companies saying 22% off 1 to 4 different products,there the one's taking advantage of there patients in this very hard time.