
member since 2016

Recent Reviews1 total

Golden Goat

Cerebral. Cramps body, muscles begin to want to do something (very nice feeling). Music sounds amazing. Perfect both for relaxing with YOGA and HARDCORE WORKOUT. Heightens your pain tolerance and you can push yourself way farther. Maybe too far, so you must watch out not to get a cardiac arrest while working out. Opens up your lungs and makes you want to breath in all the air in the world. Enhances smells and tastes. If you eat, the taste will be very good and you might want more, but DOESN'T really make you hungry. This along with the fact that it makes you want to move, makes you thirsty and heightens your pain tolerance, this strain is a perfect strain for working out, but could be really dangerous by pushing you too far. Sobers you up when drinking alcohol and makes you wanna drink more, which can lead to over intake of alcohol. Makes you philosophical and open for deep conversations. Makes you a bit Paranoid!!!! Effect lasts long and might help going into a deep sleep but only after you work all that THC out. If you worked out you will fall asleep right away, if no workout - your activated, but not used muscles might keep you awake for awhile. Also might make you stay awake for awhile due to paranoia (thinking if you locked the door and etc.). Great feeling of freshness in the morning. Overall: perfect powerfull strain. Small doses recommended