
member since 2012

Recent Reviews5 total

Afghan Kush

always a good mid grade strain if there is not a lot around. it will get the job done.

Black Widow

mr. nice's black widow is a wonderful strain. thats why its all over the world under the name white widow. however when mr.nice (creator) left ghsc he co started a company. so what once was white is now is black. and there is a noticeable difference between mr.nice's black and all other whites. and if you smoke them, you'll know. (unless you happen to come across any white widow cuttings, plants, or seeds that were made by ghsc a bit before mr.nice a.k.a howard marks left ghsc. then you are very lucky) the scent is sweet and a bit like ammonia. some earthy undertones. the taste is nice and piney. the high is a bit social but if your laying down you might fall asleep. clean stone.


another favorite of mine. thanks to tga and the grim brothers for this. she is a ridiculously strong sativa dom strain that does what she says. ka-booms! your ass right through the wall. great for creativity. very psychedelic and visually trippy, thanks to the jacks cleaner f1. the vortex mixes in very well , in fact you would not be through the wall if vortex was not involved but climbing trees and jumping on roof to roof. a wonderful combination of genetics and smells. you get the rotten fruit smell of the vortex meeting the insanely close to pine cleaner scent of the jacks cleaner f1. very, very potent. if you are a light smoker, dont do it unless you're ready to buy the ticket and take the ride. which is an experience. its like getting ripped for the first time and zipping all over the place. can be very stupefying. but its a hell of a ride. the smell is of lemon pine-sol and other citrus terpens with a light rotten berry undertone. it actually the smell is really good and clean. huge producer and the big sphere colas that tga is known for. the buds are tight and so coated in resin that it appeared like glass. it will stick to your hands and fingers. great for hash or for making candy or baked goods due to potency. one of tga's best to date.

Cheese Quake

ah, the cheese quake. actually, shes not an indica. but, close. 55% sativa & 45% indica, just to clarify. tga did me a great kindness making this strain. in fact it is one of my top 3 favorites. the smell is very a louring and sweet. the scents of berries, lavender and of the skunky cheese. it smells like a desert. great after dinner smoke. tga's website's discretion is spot on. and may have been the best tasting stain i have ever had the pleasure of. the taste is as good if not even better then the scent. very potent strain. very hard to stop smoking this one, and there seems to be no ceiling. there is no peak on this one. you can keep smoking till your in space. could go even higher, but at that point you fall asleep. shes lucky and a keeper, more so if she is from a sativa pheno. one should always have it on hand. also, a great day off smoke. if you like cheesse you will like this. keep up the great work tga


beautifully hard, dense, and vibrantly green tight buds. the buds are dusted with trichomes and covered with lovely orange pistils. a sweet pine, mint-like, coffee & chocolate odor that is extraordinarily welcoming with a blossoming and warming scent. the taste is of chocolate, coffee, and a soft hazy pine. smooth on the throat. easy to hold-in and then.... your eyes redden. you go limp like. and then you want to smile and be. relaxing and intense sativa traits. can be slightly psychedelic. the crossing of the og chocolate thai with the cannalope haze (haze x Michoacan sativa. bx or back-crossed with the cannalope haze several times) comes through in hazy waves. very talkative and up-lifting. yet you do not want to move and can become extremely forgetful. warming you as you smoke. fits of giggles are easy to come by. but, again she is real hazy and has that 'cut through' effect inherited from the cannalope haze. the og chocolate thai's characteristics do come through but not full force. they were able to get some of the most important traits of the chocolate thai though. like the feeling of being high in an old-school high school. for those that smoked back in the day should get a bit nostalgic when they smell and taste the old-school flavor of proper 80's bud. as well as other highly wanted traits. but with the 'couch-lock' it can be a bit deceiving, especially for such a heavy sativa dom plant. 95% sativa 5% indica. well done DNA. i am very picky and i dig it. great meds