I can't find Bangh City but it seems to be the original Indian/Sikh bud used to make the spiritual communal drink Bangh. This stuff is great! Very focused and creative with no paranoia. There are tiny seeds, but it's unavoidable, with this strain. I would assume any hybrid would be equally amazing. Green World Wellness on 8 Mile
Other places will eventually treat you like they control you after becoming a regular. I think they think customers are crackheads or something.
This place, however is remarkable. Their Private Selection is better than any bud I bought at other places. I have ADD, and I was immediately steered towards the right strain. Lemon Kush is truly a 3 hit wonder and it's actually helping to open up my bronchioles. No more allergy pain. I can do my school work with ease. They have keef for $5/gm. I mixed the Keef with northern lights and it's perfect. Cheap CBD pen which works.
Staff was great. Go see them.